Christopher Hunt

@The Squalor Also Rises: This is what I was expecting actually when I read the headline on Twitter. I was disappointed to say the least.

@istalir: *quickly tucks video into trench coat*

@sephycloneno15: Cool, I appreciate it. I don't get a chance to watch a lot of television shows (any really), but it sounds like Castle's pretty solid.

@sephycloneno15: Whoa! Prohibition-era scotch in New York's underground tunnels?! Do you have a link?

@Jackie: No worries, just helpin' ya out before someone who was called blasphemy.

@Jackie: *cough* You mean the Bandit *cough*

@AngryFork: She does have a bit of a Tony Robbins thing going on.

@Zuldim: Thanks. I did see that they were citing a press release, which was why it was all the stranger to me that they didn't link to it.'re source for this is, what?

Did anyone click through to the TMZ link on the Spider-Man reboot? You can barely catch a glimpse of the mask and it looks TOTALLY 60s Romita style.

So Joe Johnston has forgotten that he was the Visual Effects director in Raiders of The Lost Ark...yeah, he's inspiring some confidence in me.

Sir Edwin's:

I use to work at Stuarbucks before it turned into the shit pile we see before us. Interesting fact though, if you look at arguably the most popular Frappuccino that they have, the Caramel one, its clockin in at roughly 20 calories and ounce. So one that is almost 31 ounces is hitting somewhere close to 630 calories.

Is anyone else stoked that he's skinny, or are we still to busy drinking the Hater-ade.

They should just send the family through and stay with the timeline that they left. Then some scientist immediately gets on Wikipedia and reads the entry under "Terra Nova Colonists" out loud for the next two seasons.

@housermag: Up was a GREAT movie, and for sure it should stand alone as a "good" movie, not just a kid's. That's pretty rare though for a PG movie aimed at kids. Usually studios crank movies like that out because its quantity over quality.

@99TelepodProblems: I think it'd be more of a power walk rather than a run, cause, you know...he's still a little chubby.

@99TelepodProblems: His proud smile belies the truth, that he has an unquenchable thirst for power. First it was the prints, then it was the wedge cut bread, and soon enough, we will see the demise of the beloved Chipotle sauce.