Christopher Hill

I watched the pilot for that and there wasn’t anything remotely funny in it.

“Additionally, some Na’vi have sided with the colonizers, looking to plunder Pandora for its resources.”

Hey look people who think it’s cool to make fun of Avatar are here.. What a surprise. Why can’t people just let people like what they like? Ugh. 

I actually disagree, I think that facial animation looks incredible.  I think the issue is going with blue cat people is always going to make our minds say “This is fake” 

“Ummm Birds of Prey was so much more enjoyable than The Joker”

Having just watched most of the (formerly-)Netflix Marvel shows, I’m only really starting to realize how often TV adaptions of semi-adult properties will blatantly introduce elements to try and make them like every other adult prestige drama.

You can be progressive and not be used to pronouns. I was certainly taught that using they like that wasn’t good english, even if it has been used like that correctly for years. I’m happy if people want to use it as a pronoun, but it’s certainly not a widespread thing where i’m from.

i think its more that the antecedent becomes confusing when they could refer to either a group of individuals or Miller, based on the sentence surrounding the pronoun. Just takes an extra few seconds to parse the correct meaning based on context but its not hard to imagine situations where it is genuinely ambiguous,

Rolling Stone report compounds that with news that Miller apparently had “meltdowns” on the set of The Flash. “While the insider stresses there was no yelling or violent outbursts, they described Miller as ‘losing it.’ ‘Ezra would get a thought in [their] head and say, ‘I don’t know what I’m doing,’’ the insider tells

Agreed about this article, but that’s really Hughes’ fault. When writing with singular they you have to be a little bit more conscious about sentence structure and if you, for whatever reason, can’t figure out a structure that doesn’t make a passage confusing then you should just use the person’s name. It’s really not

Sentence structure still says it’s Ezra. You don’t make the second half of your sentence rely on a parenthetical subordinate clause like that; they is very clearly referring back to the subject of the sentence and would’ve been punctuated differently otherwise.

I appreciate the spirit of commenters respecting preferred pronouns. However, without attention to sentence structure, indiscriminate use of pronouns can lead to confusion.

This is true, and OP is wrong. However, it is also true that the use of “they/them” in this article makes for a damn rough read, almost rough enough to make me wish ze pronouns had become a thing. Maybe Hughes should’ve used proper nouns more often, to help distinguish between the various theys in the story: Miller,

Just do a note at the beginning saying that the person uses they/them. We’re all progressive, but it’s confusing as long as we’re still using English.

Why's he using they to describe himself, they is a group, they is not singular, he or she or it is singular. Please don't use multiple to describe a singular being please, that's mucho confusing.

I’m calling bullshit. I seriously doubt Ezra has anything resembling “thoughts” in [their] head[s].

You would love my cousins. All they do is smoke meth and talk exactly like this. Every day, all day. Giving full-on run-on lectures about the Georgia Guidestones, Clear Pepsi, String Theory, String Cheese, the Alien Nation finale, Tiddlywinks, esperanto, the true meaning of christmas, The Great Pyramid, jynco jeans, an

Honestly begging the question how Miller got to be a potential cornerstone player in Warner’s stable.

there was a video of ezra on a manic rant on twitter but i think it’s been taken down as i don’t see it in my bookmarks anymore. it hasn’t been brought up in all the ezra news because hardly anyone has seen it.

Sounds like she got all the Napoleon complexes riled up something fierce.