
Its worth playing, maybe just not to your liking. No need to be an arse.

Just like America right now.

This is where promotion would have helped.

I understand what you’re saying now, thanks for the clarification. I think the implication is that if there will be no new models factored into the fiscal year outlook, they probably won’t reveal any details about them either. The Kotaku article states this perhaps more strongly than is stated in the original article.

A person who is saying a correct statement in a shitty way. This Final Fantasy is factually and literally Final Fantasy. Not liking it is okay. Not wanting to play it is fine. But it doesn’t make that statement any less true. Proclaiming “This isn’t Final Fantasy!” as if one is the de facto authority on the matter is

Right on the money. “This Final Fantasy went in a direction that I don’t like” is a mature, reasonable statement. “This Final Fantasy isn’t Final Fantasy and if you don’t agree you’re an idiot” is something a petulant child would say.

RPG as a technical genre has lost almost all meaning. Everything these days includes skill trees, experience points and leveling systems from shooters to strategy games. It doesn’t seem odd to mix RPG with Action game. Natural evolution? More like following overall popular game design trends.

It’s a disconnect I’ve argued against since - Final Fantasy VII.

Cool, that’s good to hear. I’m still spending a scary amount with Tears of the Kingdom so I’m not sure when I’ll be moving on from that game but surely at some point I’ll break free of it.

No less mean sprited than trying to convince us who like FF16, that we can’t consider it as a “true Final Fantasy game”. You can’t deny those kind of arguments aren’t a part of the discourse right now sad to say.

I find it really disingenous how people are saying this one’s not a real Final Fantasy because it’s an action/RPG hybrid, as if one of the most acclaimed games in the series isn’t an isometric tactics game, and two of the numbered entries aren’t MMOs. Final Fantasy isn’t defined by picking your party’s attack commands

But you’re not gonna argue that the MMOs aren’t “real Final Fantasy games” right? Because that would be absurd. I think that’s the big disconnect happening in this debate, and the people saying XVI doesn’t count as a real FF game are being disingenous, instead of just saying “this one’s not for me.”

But why, why can’t it not be Final Fantasy to someone that likes 16?

And people called ME crazy because I said (and still say) that the FF7 remake project is an atrocitiy that shouldn’t exist because the wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey shenanigans is some of the dumbest garbage I’ve ever seen, and I just want an ACTUAL remake of the ACTUAL story of 7, not some fanfiction nonsense.

Totally fine, but there have been so many poor takes, and thin arguments decrying “this isn’t Final Fantasy”, that is just nonsense, to those that do like character action games, and are just giddy that they can do it in a world with Final Fantasy tropes.

Not the same thing. The NFL game doesn’t do a bait-and-switch on you and instead trots out two curling teams. FF16 advertised well in advance, that this was an action focused title. I saw no bait and switch.

Yes it is. You menioned Bond, and that’s in my wheelhouse so...

Feels like Final Fantasy to me and I played the original when it came out on NES. The story imo is the best it’s been since 10 and the gameplay is by far the best since they began abandoning a lot of the traditional jrpg elements starting with 12. I still really like turn based jrpgs, but final fantasy is no longer

You don’t get to decide what’s Final Fantasy, the people that own and make it do. It just isn’t what it used to be or what you want it to be.

God of war has "xps" and equipment.