
They weren’t filming. She didn’t have a contract agreeing to do that. She clearly said fucking no. That’s like saying it’s ok to physically force people who work retail to carry your shit or check you out when they’re on a break or not even working at that particular store. It’s gross that you think assaulting a porn

I feel like you’re kind of purposefully misunderstanding. There are a bunch of reasons a totally normal, vanilla couple would have a safeword. I have one I use with my husband and it’s different to stop. If he said stop during sex I would think it was a discomfort issue, his dick is at a weird angle, etc. and if I

Well, for starters they weren’t filming a scene together that day. In fact, no one was filming anything at all. This happened in the workplace, but it wasn’t part of a production. I’m not a fan of most porn and in particular some of the more violent stuff. It isn’t my deal. It baffles me. However, I’m pretty sure

Seriously this. When the first thing I hear after Stoya’s allegations surfaced was one of his former scene partners saying that having worked with him it’s totally believable, you know it’s not an industry secret. It sounds like everyone knew he crossed lines but the industry didn’t stop hiring him because he was

I didn’t say handling it “well.” I said “better.” The bar is low. Very, very low.

Well, I can hardly blame anyone for getting a rosy picture of the porn industry from Jezebel.

Given how irresponsible most industries are when it comes to abuse claims, it isn’t really that hard to do better. What I wonder is if they already had concerns about him prior to this and dropped him fast to protect themselves.

Exactly what about a group of employees at a major pornogprahy company standing around and doing nothing while Deen attacked Tori Lux do you think constitutes a “fuck-ton [of] responsibility and safety”?

Why does it matter what kind of sex they were having?

Oral and p in v....... in one of the sunday school rooms........... during wednesday night service.

That’s an interesting question. We have historically always been Much much more concerned about an individual man’s consequences in the rare instance that a rape allegation is false, than we have even been about the consequences to additional girls and women if the allegation is true. When you balance the two sets of

This doesn’t sound like doing a great job to me.

That is exactly what she said happened, that he held her down and kept going after she used her safe word. That makes him a piece of shit

Plus its going to be way easier to convince a non-industry person after the fact that look you were naive and that’s just the way things work. It wasn’t really rape/assault it was you not knowing what to expect going in.

Yes. I remembered today that there is a form on his site for non-industry women to apply to film a scene with him... which is just scary and awful considering that we know now the women he worked with had been “warned”, but the average porn viewer with a thing for Deen wouldn’t have been :/

This is a good point and I think it shows that the allegations are not only true but that studios know about it. If Kink really thought he was innocent, and he’s one of their top performers, why would they drop him so quick? Because they know it’s true and they want to get ahead of it as much as possible now that it’s

That was my first thought as well. From the studio’s perspective, it is definitely better to be safe than sorry and I do not blame them at all for pulling the plug on him. It’s their responsibility to keep their employees safe regardless of their role in the company. It would ultimately suck if, by some long shot at

You answered your own question. They probably had the kind of sex that requires a safe word.

While many of the allegations against Deen are new, the pattern is alarming.

Cynical, but this is probably a CYA move on kink’s part. Guarantee higher ups in the company knew about him and did nothing because he made them money.