Well good luck to you! I am hoping to have a water birth, but finding places that do them in the rural south is a monumental task. >_<
Well good luck to you! I am hoping to have a water birth, but finding places that do them in the rural south is a monumental task. >_<
No one said C-sections are the end of the world, and no one said that doctors are butchers. Everything I know about the subject I learned from a doula, who had to attend 200 births in addition to a conventional education on the subject before becoming certified. The presence of doulas is shown to lower the likelihood…
Isn't it exceptionally hard/dangerous to have a vaginal birth after a c-section? My fiancee's mother had him by c-section (because of his gigundo head and shoulders lol) and was told she didn't have a natural birth option for his two siblings.
I have a friend who is a doula, and she told me that a large number of C-sections are unnecessary. The number of them performed on Fridays or just before holidays is absurd, and a lot of that can be attributed to doctors who don't want their weekend or vacation disrupted by a patient who is about to pop. That sounds…
I hope you weren't harboring any doubt about whether or not you are a decent person? Because you've just made it abundantly clear that no, you are not.
There are entire departments of production companies whose sole purpose is to make sure stuff like this is done above board (in order to avoid lawsuits). If she wasn't contacted then yeah, they were either being shady by assuming that an old lady would not be savvy enough to come after them or they were being stupid…
Um...kay. Guess your kids are going to miss out on a show that has musical guests like Rocket From the Crypt, OK Go, the Shins, MGMT, Ladytron, Weezer, Devo, the Flaming Lips, the list goes on! All doing original kid's songs written for the show. Kinda feel bad for your kids, now. :(
This is why all children's shows should be Yo Gabba Gabba. You can't get tired of it if you try.
Sorry, but no. When my guy friends and I pal around and call each other names, or when my fiancee and I do the same, there is absolutely zero hidden meaning or special significance attached to that word. I'm sorry if you are not the kind of person who can relax like that, it must do a number on your blood pressure.
Amg yes, I had two vintage Barbies and a vintage Ken that were my mom's in the 50s. In retrospect, SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE LET ME NEAR THEM.
When I was little I would meticulously construct Barbie apartments. They were super elaborate, every detail covered. Then I would use my huge T-Rex to attack it with Barbie inside so that my Ninja Turtles would have to kick its ass and save her. Kinda like that?
I agree, but an entertainment site simply pointing out that a celebrity now has massive buttcheeks where no buttcheeks previously existed is not the same thing as body snarking. Especially since thousands of dollars were spent on said buttcheeks for the express purpose of "look at my buttcheeks!". People who are…
My memaw is the same way and only drinks diet drinks/uses sweet and low for her coffee etc. She turns 89 this year. I keep telling her she can eat cake for breakfast and ice cream for dinner if she feels like it but she won't listen!
Well, for one, a lot of "fat" people are born with genes that make them that way no matter if they only eat carrot sticks and plain lettuce their entire lives. Plastic surgery, especially REALLY OBVIOUS plastic surgery, is a choice.
I realized I was holding my breath for the same reason haha.
Do you constantly walk around with your vagina on your sleeve thinking about all the ways you've been oppressed that day? Sometimes a dirty word is just a dirty word and doesn't come with a million strings attached.
So, pores too? How small are we talking here? Aren't you scared everyone will laugh at your penis? Poor thing. :(
These tedious, joyless assholes sound like they are legitimately like the feminist bookshop ladies from Portlandia. Fucking eyerolls for days over here.
So? And? We call people dicks all the time.
My multiple acquaintances from the UK use cunt as if it's just another word. They use it as if the meaning is "small minded, twerpy, irritating person" and I never get the sense from them that they know that it's the C BOMB OMG kind of thing that it is here. That said, I don't understand women/people being offended by…