
“Why doth the peasantry fret so o’er this ‘Black Death’? ” ~Lord Pence, c. 1350 

Helicopter parenting is bad and you can’t shelter them from bad stuff in the world too much but I feel like “I don’t want my children interacting with a known serial killer” is a fairly reasonable request?

I don’t see how “hey, don’t use instruments that can result in catastrophic cancer throughout the entire abdomen if there’s a known mass that we didn’t biopsy before the procedure to figure out if it would be safe” should be somehow responsible for trans men not being able to access gender confirmation surgery. The


Check into the surgical options for prostate cancer before you pop the champagne corks.

While an ordinary uterus can usually be slipped out whole through the vagina

Gee, I wonder if the dude who she had sex with was banned as well?

I got in a long Facebook argument with a stranger over this (it was midnight and I couldn’t sleep, Facebook arguments are my ambien) who said DeVos didn’t do anything wrong because now FINALLY parents have a choice where they send their kids to school, like that’s not already a thing that is allowable. I explained

Donald may never shake another leader’s hand. Word has gotten out that he’s as soft as jelly, and now everyone is gunning for him.

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

Really don’t get why US universities get some outsider to do the speech. Even if it was someone I liked or admired doing it, such as a notable scientist in my field like Sir Tim Berners-Lee or John Carmack, I’d rather have one of my lecturers or the Vice-Chancellor do it.

Sadly agree. Ask women who play games online how they have fared in male-dominated “LGBTQ” guilds and clans. Tons of manbabies who are outspoken about having “no use” for women, and deliriously happy to have someone to punch down at for a change. Being into wang instead of vag doesn’t make them champions of gender

tell that to my gay bff, who has personally encountered some closeted gay men who cannot hide their utter contempt and hatred for women. they are all over gay pick-up sites. sometimes, someone’s inability to deal with their own sexuality can cause them to project that as hatred at the group they see as causing their

forget the shark, that bathing suit crotch *protectively cups vagine*

Look at that Jesus-y bitch wearing her cross as if she is not acting in direct contravention of Jesus’s teachings.

Because child abuse is funny to you? Because it was so bad she got to adopt her brother?

If you don’t want your kids to grow up feeling entitled, then you would pretty much have to bring up your kids in a non-entitled way. You don’t drive them around in a solid gold cadillac for their formative years, then tell them at 19 to start walking, its good for you. I mean you could but it wouldn’t end well.

So I spared myself from reading the article... but dude is ENGAGED and he’s talking about how she’s “less hot” than the women he used to date??? I hope she dumps his not-hot ass.

Any man who takes (let alone publicly posts) a shirtless violin picture is (hahahahahahaha whattafuckin dork) way too high-maintenance to consider.

It’s the faux Hermes belt with the body con blouse and the circa 1998 distressed jeans. I’m just totally confused.