
I am surrounded by vicious racists here. I have been all my life. These people don't think it's impolite to tell a racist joke before they find out whether or not you're a fellow racist because they assume that EVERYONE here is a racist. I have heard everything. Have I heard someone called an "uppity n——-"? Yes. BUT

I also hate tall and lanky. Super no thank you. More fluffies for us!

Is this something they unearthed from 1994?

Ok well, speaking as someone who is probably older than everyone else in this conversation and who grew up about a half hour away from where the KKK was founded, I have never heard uppity used in a racist way and it is used often here.

It absolutely is not the genteel way of saying ghetto.

Chris Brown is a face punching douchebag, clearly, but that neck tattoo/nerd glasses combo gets me every time. Mrowr.

When did uppity become a racist term? I'm from the south and we say uppity on a regular basis to describe anyone who is stuck up and doesn't have a good reason to be. Has nothing to do with race.

Omg Laura Dern looks like a wax mannequin version of herself, that is bizarre.

I don't think I've ever met a cat who would be thrilled with being toted through a crowd of people. It's gotta be on hella tranquilizers to keep it from shredding her face and fleeing.

Only True Gentlemen (TM) idly wonder whether or not a woman is a slut based on her choice of legwear.

See that's why you only eat the broken cookies, because all the calories fall out DUH.

I've never had a problem with them, but then again I only order the live plant baskets for my Memaw because she likes to keep them around. Kind of hard to fuck up a live miniature rose bush. It's pretty much a bush or it's not.


Oh come on guys, a man that is attracted to 17 year olds (who essentially look like 23 year olds nowadays) is a far cry from a man who is attracted to like, 10 year olds in pigtails who play with Barbies. Both still gross, both still wrong, but one is exponentially worse than the other.

hot damn that's a winner

I had two years of "school" before hitting kindergarten, preschool at 3 and Head Start at 4, and I had a SIGNIFICANT advantage over the other children. I already knew how to count, I knew colors, I could read basic words, I knew the entire alphabet etc. I had only been five for a month when I entered kindergarten and

One of my dogs is named Banana! We just call her Nana though. We thought it would be funny for strangers to overhear us in a restaurant or something discussing how our Nana ate toilet paper and then pooped on the rug.

Yes it is unflattering the way that it is literally cutting into her breasts. They are being squished out in a not very nice way. This is coming from someone who has breasts that size and knows what does and does not look good/feel comfortable. That is not body snarking. A bikini that shows them off is great, bring it

They make a bunch of different styles of door for them, and a slew of interior fittings. So you could always just remake it to your liking for a fraction of the cost of completely redoing it. :)