Three words for you: IKEA Pax Wardrobe. They are ceiling height and look built in, line them down one wall. Tons of interior decorators use them for precisely your predicament.
Three words for you: IKEA Pax Wardrobe. They are ceiling height and look built in, line them down one wall. Tons of interior decorators use them for precisely your predicament.
Actually a tiny fridge just for body care stuff is such a hardcore good idea. I love Lush products and a lot of them have to be stored in the fridge, but who wants to go get something out of the kitchen before their shower? I'm not rich and famous but I'm totally stealing that idea. Aren't dorm room fridges like 100…
My fiancee's brother goes to Vassar and I am so jealous right now. Hopefully he takes tons of pics!
No, I am saying that the assumptions that are made about people generally come from how they are portrayed in the media. You could replace "Southern" with fat, or religious, or dog person or whatever. I'm comparing not life experiences but the methods by which the public at large come by their assumptions about…
Ok I agree with you on your first paragraph and I don't think you understood what I was trying to say with the whole Southern thing but that is likely because I have the flu and the Nyquil is kicking in. What I was trying to get at is that many people who condemn these kind of assumptions about outside cultures…
There are people who *do* look like this all the time, on every continent. Looking like that and living like that is their every day reality. It is not outside the realm of possibility that that is who he genuinely is so it is not a bad thing to think/write/act accordingly as long as you aren't also dismissing the…
Real boobs are not like fake boobs. If people who buy this magazine regularly lust after fake boobs, it is reasonable to assume that the reality slap of Real Boob Physics (ie unattractive flopping out of out a bikini top that barely covers her nipples) would not be appealing to them. If it was, sooooooooo many models…
Oh, so you think that the pantsless native man who literally hunts his dinner with a spear reads lots of photography magazines, eh? Maybe his favorite show is Project Runway? It's not an issue of thinking that he's stupid or uneducated, more like understanding that he probably does not speak english and the knowledge…
There is a big difference between "I don't like her tits" and "her tits look terrible because she is wearing something three sizes too small".
That sells? Her boobs look like a hot mess of melty silly putty flopping out of that top. I can't imagine that the usual die hard fake titty fans that buy these things want to see regular boobs.
meeeee tooooooo T^T
Just because you don't know what the phrase means doesn't mean other people are as confused. I think it's worthy of a chuckle but then again I read books and know what words are.
My mom ordered some when I was in highschool. It's made of mostly honey, I'm pretty sure. Reeeeeeeeeeeally messy.
Anyone else feel like this is a con to get idiots to send embarrassing videos of themselves? If so, I'm totally on board and want to see all of them.
I didn't read it anywhere, I just remember it being all over television when I was 11ish years old and my mom suddenly not being ok with me having a crush on Slater. Could prob google it, I believe there was a scandal about NBC paying the girl hush money or something. >_>
Miniature Schnauzers are the 11th smartest breed of dog. For reference, pugs are like, 64th smartest, haha. I think the bigger you go, the dumber they get (mainly because the small ones were originally crossbred with poodles to attain the size, and poodles are way hella smart).
Really? No one remembers when he was on trial for rape in the early 90s?
All of the people she was talking to are medical professionals. I don't think mentioning a stillbirth to them is quite the same. More like shop talk, really.
Furthermore, posting the names and occupations of the people commenting on her post is in extremely poor taste. Whoever did that needs a punch in the jaw, that could hurt those people's livelihoods. Over what, making a snide comment about a woman who can't respect other people enough to be on time? You know, a comment…
Everyone just calm the fuck down, author included. This just in: PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE, TOO! EVEN DOCTOR PEOPLE! So much in the way that waiters take to Facebook to lambaste their latest braindead customers, doctors can also bitch about patients as long as no names are divulged. How do you know she didn't discuss the…