![Oscars Fuck Up Best Picture Announcement [UPDATES]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/vpsmfxg5d5rgdu8khwqb.jpg)
“This is not a joke.”
“This is not a joke.”
Please do not assume that I haven’t seen Dial M for Murder. I even saw a restored 3D print once (what a treat). The problem with using it in this post instead of A Perfect Murder is that Ray Milland never says, “THAT’S NOT HAPPINESS TO SEE ME, IS IT.”
Prisons have their own set of charges. There was another story not too long ago about a woman who had spent *months* in solitary for the heinous crime of having one more pair of shoes than inmates were permitted.
Someone sent Jezebel a package of cookies to “promote safe sex.” Yum! Nothing about that seemed amiss at first.
She had a child with Orlando Bloom, which is why this is a story.
“This is the sort of thing that haunts a city for a long, long time. And it should!”
I’m crying
Chardee MacDennis isn’t top 5?!
We better see his dick this time or I’m gonna burn Universal Studios down.
But it feels like a long shot at best and sadly, nothing more.
While we may not have any hard proof (YET), there is a 0% chance Steve Bannon has never said nigger.
From my coworker Jordan Sargent:
Maybe it’s just me, but I have a very hard time picturing someone being married to Angelina Jolie and cheating on her with Marion Cotillard. I’m not saying Marion Cotillard isn’t beautiful, but she’s not Angelina Jolie.
So Mischa didn’t know/remember which year was THE MOST IMPORTANT in her life. Shocker.
Mischa couldn’t even get her years right. She left The O.C. in 2006 and the show ended in 2007. You would think her agent would have known this.
Good god, she is charming.
Wait, they are other timelines? #andamovie
1994 me: if i could have anyone’s face it would be Christy Turlington’s.