Fuckin’ agreed. I hate The Big Bang Theory as much as the next person, but I got sooooo sick of everyone calling it “nerd blackface.”
Fuckin’ agreed. I hate The Big Bang Theory as much as the next person, but I got sooooo sick of everyone calling it “nerd blackface.”
Can we please not make “comparing things that are not blackface to blackface” a thing? I generally support the sentiment of this boycott but that’s just offensive. Don’t try to prop up your own arguments by using shock tactics, it’s like the people that compare everything to hitler. It’s lazy(like the writing in this…
Yes, she gives me $7,000 per post. It freaking rules.
After roughly 1,200 comments and dozens of emails, I have assembled the first round of your horrible video game…
Fuck that bitch. Come sit by me and we can hang out and eat mozzarella sticks.
Can Amy co-host with Chris? Show improved 5000%
I heard she was going to attempt, then completely fail to complete her community service in Brooklyn. I’ll speak for Brooklyn and say “Fuck off Lindsay, you’re not welcome here!”
Oh crap! I completely forgot about thr food needed for binge-crying!! A litre of pistachio icecream, and a family size bag of salt & vinegar chips, crushed up into little crumbs would also be on my crying room rider.
These need to exist in every neighborhood on the isle of Manhattan. Particularly near train stations, because FUCK YOU R TRAIN.
My ideal crying room would have some nice, soft pillows to scream into, a selection of white wines, and a DVD copy of Beaches.
lol the sad thing is, she still looks prettier than I do most days at work.
Much has been made of American Sniper, the Oscar-nominated, Clint Eastwood smash about a Navy SEAL with boy-band…
I know Olbermann has given ESPN a lot of grief during his time but man, when he gets it right, he gets it right.
I stand my ground on the Rob Lowe and John Stamos should kiss topic.
Every single time Chris Pratt is brought up, there's always at least one person reminding everyone that he once found another loving home for a cat with needs that he could not accommodate anymore. I guess it's you this time.
I know. I know! I'm the worst. I'm a sheep. I'm part of what's wrong with modern American culture. But at least in…