Christian Swanson

I mean I didn’t say they were evil. I said they were awful. Bit of a difference.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Like I said, it's ultimately a good thing. I guess I just ultimately feel skeptical nowadays any time EA does anything, even if it's positive.

True, they don’t destroy franchises like Activision does. But they do dilute them and simplify them. They also destroyed the Dungeon Keeper franchise (as well as pretty much every other bullfrog-originating series). They forced Maxis to include always-online DRM with Simcity, ultimately dooming the game (Polygon had a

You are the worst possible person to agree with me. It’s not showboating to be more inclusive, or to want people to feel more welcome. I’ve got a couple of friends who will be happy to hear they can have a character they could theoretically play as trans, for instance. Nothing necessarilly whiteknighting about giving

I really hate the goodwill that EA drums up by being progressive, because while it’s great that they add these things in, they always seem to showboat it, and it feels almost disingenuous, like they’re showing off their progressive policies in order to make everyone forget about their shitty business practices.


Really? I LOVE the new inventory! Everything is much better sorted and it's so much easier to find everything!

I’m really tired of people wanting video games to be made into movies. Unfortunately, due to the differences in the medium, while it’s possible to encapsulate a movie into a video game (through dedication and hard work), it’s extremely difficult to do it the other way around.

You can’t really take a 20 hour adventure

Nah, you can absolutely make baked goods. Just make it with coconut oil instead of butter (honestly tastes better in my opinion and keeps for longer).

You know you’re making a joke, but I would ABSOLUTELY play a game starring a 67 year-old transwoman with dwarfism and albinism. Not only would that be an off-the wall, never-before-done character template, but I imagine you’d be able to factor that into their character design and/or fighting style (if that’s the type

You really have no idea how this shit works. I'll be the first to criticize Kotaku for stupid/dishonest shit, but this is 100% true on their part, and they're in fact showing some restraint by not directly saying that this raises some giant red flags.

Out of curiosity, what are you playing it with? M/KB or a gamepad? Cause to be honest, I was kind of in the same boat as you until I tried playing the game with a gamepad, and oddly enough, it felt way more fluid. Just a bit of advice.

Holy shit! This is a really good one!

Holy shit! This is a really good one!

Whoa, I didn't know it was possible to be this wrong!

Oh yeah, it’s definitely the biggest plothole in the game. Well, not necessarilly plothole, but it’s the most thinly-stretched piece of fabric to cover up what would otherwise be a plot hole. Cause there’s technically a justification for it, it just goes into asspull territory.

Basically, everything that we’re seeing

Out of curiosity, though, what are you classifying as "Unintentional" humor?

Man, it sounds like the game just didn't click with you, because the sillier and nuttier the game got, the more it resonated with me. That crazy stageshow was fuckin' great to me!

I mean, I’ve been a PS+ member since the first year it was around, and I can say that the genre of games has recently kinda come down to 2d sidescrollers and top-down shooters. There’s some diversity in there, but it’s pretty disappointing when viewed as a whole.

Not to say that it isn’t good that indie titles are



Everybody’s getting excited about Crash coming back but no one seems to be talking about how the reason the series went away in the first place was because the series became vapid shovelware with few redeeming qualities. What’s to say this isn’t just a nostalgia-driven cashgrab for products of the same quality?