Christian Swanson

Well jeeze. I literally said the game looked cool but the guy’s behavior left a sour taste in my mouth. That’s crossing a line for you?

I mean, he's making a game about isolation that he says stems from a direct specific incident. I'm talking about that incident, and his behavior related to it.

Blame falls entirely on Microsoft’s shoulders. They made vague mentions to the idea of digitally lending games. How’s it going to work? How’s it going to function? What makes it different from piracy? Am I going to have to pay for it? Any of these questions answered? Nope! Just trust us! Everything’s going to be

Well, for starters, according to the FCC, 55 million americans don’t have access to broadband. 17% of the country.

Even if having a constant online capability was something absolutely required for the next big technological leap, apart from a huge amount of consumers not being ready for that, Microsoft sure as hell

See, you say “a few here and there,” but that's honestly not true. There's a huge amount of people- especially in the middle of the United States where big cities are less plentiful, that don't have reliable internet connections, especially ones that can support always-online features. There are service members

The game looks beautiful, and the concept sounds interesting, but every time I read a story about Orth, it ends up leaving a sour taste in my mouth. It always bothers me when I hear him talking about what happened to him as though it didn't stem from him being a jerk to his company's customers on twitter. I guess it's

You know, I’ll tell you, I’ve never been a huge fan of this genre outside of Elite Beat Agents, but at least Miku puts some effort into her singing presentation. This girl looks like she just kind of stares absentmindedly into the distance and mumbles the lyrics out.

Anime women today are so entitled.

Trials: Trying Too Hard To Be Funny Edition


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Wait, you thought this was the worst part in 25th Hour? I thought it was probably one of the most interesting scenes from a filmmaking perspective because of that rash, genuine anger you can feel coming from the words.

Like, yeah, it’s hateful, but it’s a hate that’s scattershot and universal because the speaking

Okay thank you, I’m glad someone else responded so I didn’t have to.

Oh my God! Where did Kojima find that giant slice of Pepperoni Pizza he’s standing next to?!

well, you know, good job bullying some teenager into taking his stupid fanfiction off the internet. Good work, kotaku.

at an awesome sub-30 FPS.


Sort of. Didn't have the same director.

But even still, you can get whatever you would consider to be the "next gen experience" in Dark Souls by just playing it on the PC.

;_; No Snake.

Why wouldn't your downloaded games transfer? There's an option to do that in the 3DS's system settings.

Wait, are you considering the Wii to be an upgraded version of the gamecube? Like, I get that that might have been what it started out as, but... It really wasn't. It was the new system.

I'm glad to see that I wasn't the only one who recognized that the eyepatch was the only acceptable choice of head for the protagonist.