
They don't allow you to have bees in here.

Gammy's gettin' upset!

The only example I can remember of someone trying to give themselves a nickname was when George Costanza tried to get people to call him "T-Bone." Is that what Shkreli is gong for?

Not sure if these are newspaper supplements, but they are reprinted Will Eisner stories from the 1940s.

That's as many as four tens.

The first version of "The Freshmen" is great. It's a lot more understated than the second version, which has the singer bellowing out the words at the end. Unfortunately, it's the second version that got most of the airplay.

. . . or candy!

I'm pretty sure Shout at the Devil happened.

The Spirit sells for 99 cents per issue on Comixology. Just sayin'.


*pours out a Baja Blast Mountain Dew for my breadless chicken homie*

"Less choice" is still an improvement over no choice. Oh, and since you like links:

That's what they told Mr. Creosote.

Spare me this trust-fund radical bullshit. Obama was nothing like Kim Jong-Un. But, hey, Trump's here to give you an up-close-and-personal taste of what autocracy actually looks like!

"He got through Obamacare, and we saw how that worked out." Yeah, we saw. It worked out really well, with millions able to obtain health insurance that they couldn't before, and the growth of medical costs being slowed. That's why the Republicans can't think of anything to replace it. There is no magical

Not if Matchbox Twenty has anything to say about it.

For the last time, I do NOT like Huey Lewis and the News!

She was a really hard-working and dedicated freshman Senator.

Dis ain't ova.