Christian Macauley

I still don't get what he was confused about. Stupid old goat.

Great if it exists it aint getting a lot of attention in the media. Why not embrace a show that will undoubtedly highlight such issues instead of lambasting it before its even been made? The idea of a show like this is to illustrate the problems with such a society and to make people think. What better way to bring

The bar for the internet going insane is pretty low these days but yes that would be hilarious.

Well a negative future is just as possible as a positive one. Maybe more so. I wasn't saying it was desirable.

I want people to keep an open mind period. Once you stop doing that you become a redundant human.

I'll tell you whats funnier ha ha Israel's slimy little agenda in Syria just got fucked and Netanyahu is pissed about it 😂😂😂 it's ok they tried hard but Assad aint going anywhere and Israel's little Al Qaeda buddies are toast.

Don't watch is precisely all you'll be able to do aboit this show being made dick wad ha ha. Sit back and relax you have no power here.

Were they any good?

Hey man Trump and Russia just fucked you Jews in Syria ha ha. It's really gotta hurt man.

The invasion of Iraq was a complete disaster. Your characterisation of what took place there is appropriate in a forum about an alternate history show.

This show is coming dummy and you better fucken get used to it.

That a way. Close your mind off to the possibilities of the future. Make sure your kids do the same. A sure way to ensure these types of outcomes is to think just like that. Pathetic.

Everything ia derivative of something to varying degrees. What matters is will it be good? Does it have something worthwhile to say. Shows like this are a great way to put our real world in to perspective. That is one of the many strengths of science fiction.

So what if someone gets a 'kick' out of something? Going by that logic we should never make any shows or movies again because somebody you don't like might enjoy it. Backwards thinking.

You can enjoy a performance without thinking the character being portrayed is a nice guy. Does that even need to be said? His character in Django was outstanding. Beautifully written.

And that is their right to do so. Doesn't mean shit and doesn't make the show an unworthy proposition or without merit.

Perfect. You wont be watching it that's all you had to say. Enjoy your life.

Oh tell us all how much footage of the show that hasn't been filmed you've seen to be able to judge that it is shitty.

As opposed to morons who can't seperate fiction from reality and understand that science fiction has always been used as an analogy of society and that confederates will almost surely be shown to be the 'bad' guys of the show.
The man in the high castle has been quoted here. I suggest you familiarize yourself with it.

Only the ones who's brains don't function properly and to me their opinions are lower than whale shit.