Christian Macauley

Who's making light of it jack ass? You haven't even seen the show yet dummy.

Sweet don't watch it. This sounds great and I hope it's a massive hit and people like you will have to sit around and cry about it.

Ha ha ha ha I laugh at your outrage. I love most white people and make no apologies for them.

Just had their highest ratings ever for ep 1 of the new season. You are talking out of your arse. Great show.

Yes that's what the show will be about - a celebration of black people suffering. Do the world a favour and refrain from breeding.

And fuck people like you who don't have a brain. This show will go ahead and be a big hit. All there is for you to do is be sad I guess.

He's an aggressive monster for most of the movie and becomes 'nice' towards the end because the enchanted candle stick tells him his time is almost up with that magic rose. Belle is basically forced to stay in the castle until she loves him -him being an aggressive lion monster.

What is this dick head ranting about? He hates them because they dared to say America does stupid shit?

God the morons in these comments sections all think they are stand up comedians but make unfunny comments and then slap each other on the back for how 'brilliant' they are.
*fat fuck cracks knuckles* 'Let's see how witty I can be online tonight and beat my up vote tally from last week' *snaps can of coke* *sluurrrrp*.

Yes I know about the rights issues but I'm thinking they might use this time travel opportunity to explain it in the show and give it an actual reason in Ash's world as to why the different events.

I was thinking that it will explain ED and ED2 as 2 seperate timelines somehow.

I think they're going to make it some kind of branching multiple timeline thing. That could explain ED and ED
2 continuity weirdness.

Ruby alluded to multiple timelines existing. You think they'll work ED and ED2 continuity weirdness in to it somehow?

Has anyone thought about the possibility that they are going to explain the continuity weirdness between ED and ED2 as a timline change? Or alternate timelines?

If I remember correctly that was mostly manipulation by evil Cordelia. A trick to unleash Angelus.

I'd say the soul is specific to the individual.

Yes but like I said they have a shared experience and memories so he has developed over 200 years as well. And he was Irish not Scottish.

I always saw it as them being 2 seperate entities. The soul brought back his original personality and kept the demon at bay (mostly). They have a shared experience and memories though obviously. The soul is from Liam as the vampire demon has no soul.

No he isn't. Angelus is a demon that posseses Angel's body.

Yeah I saw what was written and it still sounds completely ridiculous. 'Crypto' or otherwise.