Lust Envy

I don’t play multiplayer shooters, aside from when I used to play the near decade old CoD4 and Black Ops, so no I won’t be playing Overwatch. I have zero interest in it.

Those white samurai troopers sure are holding their ‘swords’ like guns...oh wait.

You ruined it.

Leave your sex life out of this.

Here, let me Google that for you:

Obligatory “People still play this game?” comment.

The most overhyped game in recent years. No, not underappreciated.

I wouldn’t call LO underappreciated at all. It is a constant recommendation for JRPGs online.

Reboot game Lara doesn’t have the ‘goods’. She’s more lifelike in proportions.

I can practically feel Shao Kahn about to step out of a portal from Outworld. Where’s Liu Kang when you need him?

She’s literally done one major role. We simply can’t mark her as cheery because that’s basically all you’ve seen of her.

Daisy emotes really well on screen, which is necessary for Reboot Lara Croft. Alicia as well.

The trials by fire of the new Tomb Raider would work with both actresses.

I wanted Daisy Ridley until I was reminded of Alicia Vikander. All is well. She’s gonna kill the role.

I haven’t loved CoD since Black Ops 1. I swear if they bring back MW1, which by the looks is true, I’m gonna die from the hype.

That’s just it though, even before the conception of the Neo, PS4 games were already broken on Day 1. They were already compromised in either performance or graphics. This is nothing new. The Neo just ensures will have an option for BETTER performance than the standard that has been in place for years now.

To add: News flash, console devs are NEVER going to make the hard choice between graphics and performance. They will choose graphics, almost every time, because they’ll never admit their games are too much for their consoles to run both at high fidelity, and smooth fps.

As opposed to just giving us the general no-choice solution of bad fps dips for better fidelity, but crap performance.

Because we are all stupid consumers who hate having choices, and want everyone to suffer through the same bad framerates.

Yes, if specs aren’t up to par. Hence why I always said the PS4 was released too early.

PS4 games will run badly optimized as they have been running WITHOUT the Neo’s existence. Bloodbourne much? Just because a better thing exists, doesn’t mean they’re just gonna say ‘fuck it’, let’s run basic Ps4 like ass. Games will be optimized for PS4, and improved on the Neo.