I read that as MPD Psycho, and almost sharted my pants.
I read that as MPD Psycho, and almost sharted my pants.
No PVE content? It’s like Bungie really wants to keep me away from this game. PVP can go **** itself.
Yeah, latest drivers and all. I mean medium settings stay near the 35 mark a lot of the time, but it dips just too often to sub-30 enough to tuirn me off from playing. And also, having been used to the 60fps of the 2013 Tomb Raider, I feel like I’m playing an utterly inferior game. I know it’s not the case, but it…
I have a Core i7-3630QM. I think it still holds up well today...perhaps.
Yeah, I like the idea of a good laptop over a desktop, but hate how limited they are in upgrading, and the potential for them to die, and you needing to replace the whole damn thing.
I’m still waiting on a day when we have desktop-like modularity…
I get 40s most of the time on 720p, but with those horrible dips below 30, which just wanna happen regardless of settings.
I would love to play, but the game looks so damn bad at 720p. I dunno why, to be honest. My Panasonic VT60 plasma just doesn’t like 720p scaling up.
Funny you say that, as I think now it’s starting to exhibit some problems, though I dunno if it’s gpu or something else.
If it wasn’t for that holy hdmi input, I would’ve easily gone for something non-AW.
Started playing Rise of the Tomb Raider on PC, but it makes my rig seem like a goddamn potato. The game requirements are absolutely brutal unless you basically have a very recent higher end setup. My Alienware M17X R4 from 3 years ago with a 680m is struggling something fierce with this game, even at low settings.…
The campaign had plenty of story and cutscenes for me. Plenty. That would’ve been ruined by tryahrds that just wanna blow their load with no sense of decency for newer players.
Glad I’m not the only one who prefers gaming alone. Other people DO tend to ruin experiences. They wanna skip all cutscenes/story, skip looking around and touching every nook and cranny, and just wanna steamroll through enemies with overpowered attacks.
Why pay for a game that I’m just gonna be herded through by people…
Please don’t highlight the cancer that is corner campers.
Yes, I know this is Akira Toriyama’s script. Just because the original creator has continued the story, and it’s canon doesn’t mean it’s good. Look at George Lucas with the Star Wars prequels. Look at Kajishima Masaki with the butchering of Tenchi Muyo’s original plotline, to the point where the studio has taken it…
I watch every single episode of this nonsense, to see just how bad the mighty has fallen. Thanks for trying. GOHAN hasn’t been training. Piccolo always trains. That is his character. You’ve gotta be kidding me. Any DBZ fan would know this. That scene addressed that only Gohan hasn’t train. Nothing otherwise.
Point is, Cell was more powerful than Freeza by a stretch. Freeza was defeated by original SSJ Goku. The Androids (18 in particular)absolutely walloped a stronger, more battle hardened SSJ Vegeta, to the point of making him look like an utter weakling.
Yet we have some no name henchmen that could beat everyone but…
I’ve been keeping up with it... I highly disagree with that statement. It is still just as bad.
I’m glad people here don’t have the nostalgia goggles on and see DB Super for what it is: a pathetic, poor excuse to continue DBZ. From absolutely horrendous animation (which TOEI should be completely ashamed of), to horribly thin plot, to even worse inconsistencies, such as power level fluctuations. Seriously, every…
When it comes to DB Super, EVERY day must be bring your kid to work day.
I do Headphone reviews, on a popular guide on Head-fi.
Yup, they missed their chance. :(
I desperate want Castlevania: Harmony of Despair to come out for PS4. Godammit, Konami. I sank 1000+ hours into that game on PS3 and 360. I’d gladly do it all over again.
In all seriousness though, I like the newer CG model used in that. Lightning looks more realistic than ever.