Lust Envy

Way to get everyone to take you seriously. Resorting to insults. Congratulations.

Over a million. You are absolutely delusional if you think a million and change is even touching the surface on the cost to make FFVII Remake.

People expect the now niche turn based gameplay in a Quadruple A title in post-2015? How about you get a bit more realistic? Look, if you want a turn based FFVII, guess what? JUST LAUNCHED TODAY ON PS4. I welcome the faster, more lively action-based gameplay. It lets these dynamic characters actually show us how

I think 99% of the people who played when TK dropped received this weapon QUITE early. In fact, the game wouldn’t stop friggin’ giving it to me. I love the weapon, but damn, it was the only exotic that I pretty much received on a daily basis.

Just give me Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria. I own the game, but it looks like piss on the PS2 on current TVs, and PC emulation with the game is NOT good. I’ll happily shell out the money for it again.

Front Mission IV would be nice too.

I still think this is all one huge Kojima-sized stunt. No company can be that openly douchey. From Metal Gear, to Silent Hills, all of this is basically Konami telling everyone that they do not give a shit.

There is literally ZERO damage control from Konami. This is basically unheard of in logical business practices.


So now because someone posts something that isn’t the normal blind praise, it’s just some person behaving like a meme? Ok. You are a god of debating. Please go back to 4chan.

“As a Star Wars fan and older DBZ fan (as in Pre-Majin Buu), I can’t sit by and ignore the horrible nonsense being released today.”

You obviously missed the party where I said I’m a fan of said things. But OK, keep blindly accepting this garbage just because you grew up with the series.

It’s 50/50 from what I’ve seen. Some people have their Star Wars goggles on and reviewed it highly, while others aren’t fooled, which pleases me, because poor products shouldn’t ever get a pass. As a Star Wars fan and older DBZ fan (as in Pre-Majin Buu), I can’t sit by and ignore the horrible nonsense being released

No, he looks uncool, because DB Super’s animation and overall design is pure, unadulterated ass. It, however gets a pass from everyone because it’s DBZ. Put it next to the much, much better animes out there, take away the DBZ paint over it, and people would be bashing the hell out of it.

I disagree. Take a look at Tenchi Muyo from the early 90’s, and then take a look at Ai Tenchi Muyo of last year. Going from cel to CG has sucked a lot of the anime magic out replaced with sterile, soulless works. Not everything, but I much prefer the older style of anime. 90’s era anime was the golden era, IMHO. Not

Call me when we have a working Sega Saturn emulator that doesn’t take rocket science to get working. :(

I love and grew up with old school RPGs. I will forever love the 16bit and 32bit era of RPGs. That being said, I just couldn’t get into Trails for some reason. I tried on separate occasions, but it just didn’t do it for me. Ah well. I’m sure it’s good, but can’t win them all.

I’m not one to say such stupid words but: Pirotess is bae.

The only thing better for me, personally, is if Tifa was announced. But then again, I don’t play Smash.

This is effectively why I hate playing games online. People are constantly exploiting games and sucking the fun out of them. This is why I’m 99.9% a single player game only gamer. The few exceptions are stuff like Destiny, and the fun was sucked out of that a while ago.

All this happen s while I’m thousands of miles from my ps4 for a week. Of course.

That’s actually the first game.

I’ve watched enough anime in my life to not be an apologist for this heap. I USED to like DBZ, but it lost its magic somewhere down the line. It upsets me AS a fan of the original (up until Cell Saga ended).

This new series though? Jesus Christ. Watch some other battle anime like One Punch Man to see just how good