Lust Envy

Yeah, this makes sense.....said no one ever. Who watches a ****-ing movie at the end then goes to the beginning, and then middle, etc? I understand the nature of level selecting AFTER you beat a game, but games with narrative/story? (yes, as wild as CoD campaigns are, they ARE structured with a plot).

So stupid.

Dragonball has been a craptastic joke for years. It just keeps getting worse and worse. The new series is one of the absolute worst animes in decades.

But that nostalgia is strong with too many people. They’ll defend this garbage until their death, regardless of how bad it is.

The PSP FFIV CC remake looks amazing (prefer it over the DS/Steam one), and in the vein of the FF1 remake. What’s the excuse there? V just looks like pure, unadulterated piss.

I really, REALLY don’t want them to touch FFVI unless it’s a full on current gen remake, or in the vein of the PSP remakes of FFI+II and IV. Those looked amazing. Whomever did the V port.... no, just don’t let them anywhere near VI.

I usually avoid motion controls like the plague, BUT, this game was one that didn’t quite make sense without it, at least when considering the crappy analog sticks on the Vita. It felt better using the motion controls. There’s something I haven’t really said since.

I’ll wait for the inevitable port to the PS4 for 60fps.

Willing to bet you hate it because it’s not set in the SAC universe and the character designs changed. In short, a superficial reason.

Lynn or nothing.

Tifa looking thick and ready to knock someone out. I LOVE IT.

How about phuck no. Her name to me will always be Aeris. Aerith just sounds like someone with a lisp saying her name. Don’t be that one idiot correcting people for using the clearly superior name.

Yes, Sephiroth is a thing, but if his name was Sephiros, that too would’ve been great. Move on.

Everyone bitches about Dinklage, Bungies changes it. Now all these same people are saying Dinklage was better? MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MINDS.

Used to block the worst campers in CoD4, MW2, and Black Ops, all the time. There is camping, and then there is hiding in a room the whole match waiting for people.

But will we hear Northbot?

Part of me wishes this whole ordeal was some elaborate, Kojima-esque scheme to have EVERYONE thinking of Konami, Kojima, Metal Gear, and PT before their big releases/reveals. Oh how I wish.

You don’t want this abortion of an F2P mobile game. Don’t give Capcom any ideas of us wanting that type of game instead of legit full fledged games.

If I played Street Fighter like I used to, this would be an absolute nightmare, because I would feel the need to have Ryu, Cammy and Chun Li. GODDAMN YOU, exclusive pre-orders. I call BS, big time.

Uh oh, PC Police have arrived. SCRAMBLE!

The writer sounds like the kind of person who wears Beats around the neck as a fashion accessory. Way to be cool.

He flirts with a new woman in basically every single Lupin series, movie, or special. There is always at least one in addition to Fujiko.

Dear god, watch ANYTHING Lupin related. Lupin is easy to digest, and sort of like old school american cartoons in that regardless of where you jump in, the stories are self contained. Lupin does have origin stories for some of the characters, but don’t worry about jumping to something more recent. It’s not that