Dr. What?

It’s great, because they don’t just fail as Star Wars movies, but much like Batman v Superman, as movies plain and simple. The defenders seem to think only Star Wars fanboys hate them now, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. People who enjoy movies and think about them critically hate them. They fail on so

“...reconsider your opinion of them.”

The legal term is champerty, and it was illegal under common law. The restrictions have been lifted a bit since, as noted above, there are some circumstances where it serves as a social good.

And it’s still illegal in a bunch of places depending on how it works.

All you should know (if you DID care about spoilers) is that she has a sad fate in the show, that could be death, running away, turning into something grotesque, being locked in a parallel universe where blimps are our everyday transport, it could be loads of things.

I believe I’ve heard before that it’s easy for people to fear what they don’t understand, which is why we like to include diversity in schools, places of employment, etc. Exposing people to new ideas to reduce their fear and ignorance is the goal.

How is promoting “gun and safety classes” cause for alarm? Hollywood mythologizes guns to the point where many onscreen depictions are inaccurate. If someone picks up a gun, thinking it works the way it does in movies, someone is going to get hurt. It might be them, it might be someone else, but someone will be

can you post some names for us less comic inclined folks, would love to read some of these.

Well, there’s also the fact that Gawker outed him as gay, but sure, let’s go with “he’s just pissed off because they don’t like his business practices.”

She checked the game’s map and, sure enough, some sort of GPS weirdness was causing her character to pace back and forth, gaining distance even though the phone wasn’t moving.

Seems like an adaptation of her comic origin though? It’d kinda like doing a Spider-Man origin story without Uncle Ben, or Batman without his parents getting shot.

How is it morally fine? If you weren’t going to eat it by the optimal date, then you shouldn’t have bought it and wasted it.

I’ve left meat(chicken, pork, and beef) sit out, covered, overnight because I simply fell asleep before getting off my ass and putting it in the refrigerator. Never considered throwing it away, have never been sick from it. I mean, yeah, this is anecdotal and I could be playing with fire(I also don’t make this a

You can increase the lifespan of cold food items for a few extra days like deli meats and vegetables that are right at the tipping point of being spoiled by rinsing them under water to remove the gross slimy bits that *have* gone bad and then quickly drying them off and consuming them the same day. Smell and touch

Not really. If you cook them all the way through, you have little chance of getting sick. They just don’t taste good. I worked in Africa for years, and sometimes ate meat that had never been refrigerated and was days old (in the heat). As long as you cook the shit out of it, you won’t get sick.

For all the ragers, an alternate theory: he knew what TESB was. He was just fucking with them as a cheeky teenager might do when suddenly on a team of grown ass men and which he did constantly throughout that entire sequence. Hell, that’s exactly what I would’ve said if I was a teenager, instead of just coming right

I actually think it’s pretty canonical for Spidey to always be talking way too much and getting under other’s skin despite being in the middle of a punch-em-up. So, MCU, mission accomplished.

Now playing

Was that written by a marketer, a Gizmodo staffer or the Timmy Brothers ?

Saying that the current global warming trend is natural because the Earth has warmed naturally in the past is the same as saying a corpse with a knife stuck in the back must have died of natural causes because people have died of natural causes in the past.