Dr. What?

The point about it possibly being a fluke should also be stressed. There are a lot of things that exist not because they were selected for, but simply because they were not selected against. It is entirely possible that this arose as a knock-on effect from some other adaptation, or simply arose on its own, and was not

Alton Brown knows where you live...

I'm familiar with some of Wadhwa's controversial critiques on Silicon Valley diversity, so it stands to reason that he would be the go-to for discussion of diversity topics, of which women in tech would be one.

There was scant evidence presented in this post for Wadhwa being bigoted or harmful to women in tech. Since most commenters (including me) don't know anything about this guy, we would tend to give him the benefit of the doubt rather than joining in condemning him with almost nothing concrete to go on. It feels like

Bullshit thought processes like this are slowly making me stop being a feminist, because this guy is being portrayed as somehow doing something wrong... based on nothing more than a "feeling".

So we don't KNOW why the podcast was pulled. But let's not let that stop us, because we've got this axe over here that needs grinding, so let's start the article by speculating that a man did it, then quickly gloss over in a single paragraph that the person we are accusing not only denies pulling the podcast but says

If I'm understanding it right:

That'd be a real shame.

Yeah, I think the authorities who have the most experience in dealing with stalking, harassment, and threat cases have dismissed your issues as non-threatening, because they are non-threatening.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the people here will disagree with you in a most toxic fashion.

I'm not trying to defend the attempted and real harassment you've observed (it's indefensible), but your depiction of 4chan is a little off. They aren't a hive mind, it houses a lot of distinct communities much like Reddit. The /b people do tend to be shit disturbers.

Not shocked. A superbug with resistance to one drug with have altered the chemical structure of its cell in some way. Since nothing is impervious to everything, it's just going to be a matter of finding the new thing its susceptible to.

Also, can we please get with the program on bacteriophages?


It's the sci-fi contract.

To be fair, I'm totally in the camp about feathered dinosaurs. I think the greatest scene in this would be if the kid from the original Jurassic Park was at the park, saw feathered velociraptors, and said "Hey wait a minute...they DO look like giant turkeys!! I WAS RIGHT."

Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.

So I guess you're coming from an animal rights point of view where any harm to an individual is wrong no matter the benefit. (Can I assume you're a vegan? Not being snarky here, just applying my very recent animal ethics training.)

Human ethics and rights are that: human. Other animals do not have the rights or responsibilities that humans do, so it's useless trying to form an ethical or moral framework around them unless they directly affect us, our lives and our survival. "Rights" and "ethics" themselves are arbitrary and they are not natural.