Dr. What?

One of the best counter-examples of Lamarkian inheritance I ever heard of was this:

No one puts 8 million dollars of equipment into the ocean without it being insured. They probably have a half million dollar deductible, but I'm guessing more than 90% of loss of that vehicle is covered by the insurance company that took on the risk.

Or, like a nickel per person. Just pretend you threw it into the ocean and make a wish. Wishes for everyone!

Poor writing on their part, but I think I have the answer:

What's lacking is what the white dots where and why they represented the loss of the vehicle?

If by overhopping of beers, they mean there's more IPAs out there then yeah because they're going to brew what sells. Everyone tastes are looking for something new is all. With so many different breweries let alone beers and beer styles I think with the selection available out there people will find new beers to try

well, if the fish had done something like tied the string themselves, that would be tool use. but as it is, they simply used associative learning. in the paper:

To be fair, blowing stuff up creates a lot of light.

Why the hell are we considering definitions other than scientific ones?

Mothers actually leave their babies on the shore while they hunt. This happens in Denmark too.

"this(ese) [video,photos] will <make you react in a specific way>. please io9, don't. the images are great anyway.

Hey, phrenology is a wholly respectable field of expertise, provided your end-goal is to design a better hat. It was when people tried to conflate it with neuroscience and point to it as evidence of European superiority that it ran into problems of legitimacy.

It's almost as if shoes were created by some intelligent hand and humans came about through some imperfect natural process.

If 100 people leaving gives the rest a month extra life support, that means there's not a lot of people to begin with. Meaning that nearly every teen seems to be in that group of 'criminals'. Meaning that they sent the most fertile (and for humanity thus the most important) group down to a planet deemed not safe

Ashley you do seem to take quite an opinionated position with this article. It sounds like you're condemning google glass already, especially with comments like:

2 months later: New IPhone "S" Model Featuring innovative plasma-based micro-transistors capable of operating in nuclear environments.

Note to men (and people in general): If a woman drives up in a van and asks if you are single and doing anything tonight DO NOT GET IN THE VAN WITH THEM. That is stupid. You are not that good looking. Stop watching so much porn. Life doesn't work that way.

Nope, I'm sincere, Bill Nye played straight into the hands of the creationists. By stooping to their level, he legitimized the debate and elevated the arguments of these nimrods to the level of "science". There are so many other ways he could have educated the public without handing millions of dollars to science's

Actually, we've made a fair bit of progress in the practical decoding of neural circuits. Witness the success in sending video into the brain (the cortex, not just the retina) and in extracting motion data from the motor cortex (not the peripheral nerves) to steer cursors and robot arms.

The primary limitation is the