Dr. What?

Man I must have severely misrememberd my ichthyology class (marine ecologist but I always hated phylogony so it kinda just...slips away). I would have sworn that teleosts were just the group encompassing all bony fishes (and, if we are being truly rigorous, all tetrapods as well).

Both of your titles have the advantage of being vastly more accurate than the title of this article, but even the concept that the original paper proposes is a massive stretch. Genes get reused ALL OVER THE PLACE, especially control genes. It is entirely likely that there are just shared control mechanisms found in

A) this is pretty weak evidence and B) the title is completely wrong. Not only was this done in a skate, which, like sharks are cartilagenous, but are not sharks but at the time of the last common ancestor of sharks and humans, that thing was not a shark, it was a primitive fish-like creature, likely a gnathosome, one

What’s wrong with making life easier for real estate developers? Making life nearly impossible for them is what got cities like San Francisco and New York into the housing shortage mess that they are currently in. And high density urban development is about the single most environmentally friendly thing we can do.

No, it almost never is. Housing can’t just happen on it’s own, it needs additional transportation and community infrastructure to help support it, but higher density is the way of the future and fighting it will just make it more painful when we are eventually forced to change.

They aren’t overcrowded, the infrastructure is underbuilt. We NEED to build higher density. We can’t just willy nilly build houses and nothing else, we need to build the infrastructure and communities to support the increased density but pretty much every single European city is vastly more densely populated than

You are wrong in so many ways. GMOs have been in use for decades, multiple of them (decades that is). And been being consumed by humans for decades. We do indeed know the “long-term effects” and scientists OVERWHELMINGLY agree that they are safe. Being afraid of GMOs at this point is the equivilent of denying

Does it have wireless charging? An IR blaster? An FM reciever? Does the USB C charging port use the 2.0 standard like the nexus phones do or does it do the intelligent thing of using the 3.0 standard?

That’s only helpful if the things you are lifting are things you are making on the moon not originating on the earth, and as an earlier poster said, since the moon isn’t self-sustainable, we need to ship a lot of goods there that we wouldn’t have to ship to mars.

We had/have this. It was the public funding option on your tax form. Every time you pay taxes you have the option to contribute part of your taxes to public campaign finance, and almost every presidential candidate took the money until the 2008 election, when, because the maximum contribution hadn’t been raised by

....that’s insane. Absolutes don’t matter at all. We are talking about populations of people, the only thing that matters is statistics. People in dark clothing are harder to see, therefore, they are more likely to get hit by cars. Therefore, if you are wearing dark clothing, it makes sense to be a little bit careful.

You won’t debate it because it’s a fact. They are harder to see. And humans make mistakes, and are more likely to make a mistake if it’s harder to see the person. It is ridiculous to ignore this fact. The facts are that you have a greater liklihood of getting hit if you are wearing dark clothes. It sucks, but it’s the

Right...but that doesn’t change the fact that pedestrians in dark clothes are harder to see and more likely to get hit, meaning that if you choose to wear dark clothes, it would be prudent ot pay attention when crossing the road. If you do get hit, it’s still the cars fault, no matter what you were wearing, but that’s

this was specifically about herbivores killing OTHER herbivores on a routine basis. None of your examples are that.

I take issue with your claim that in the event of an accident it is very unclean. Firstly, modern reactors would not have the same “meltdown” situation that plants like Chernobyl and Fukushima had. Secondly, even if you assume that there is always some situation in which things can go terribly wrong, huge disasters

[citation needed]

You aren’t made of the same atoms you were a few days ago. Guess you are a different person. In reality, the exact atoms don’t matter, what matters is the arrangement of the atoms. Make the same arrangment, it’s the same person.

So you believe in a soul or some other, non-physical aspect to who you are? If so, why couldn’t this non-physical whatever it is transfer to the new body? It probably isn’t restricted by physical laws like the speed of light since it doesn’t exist in the physical universe.

You completely missed the point of what he said. You are nothing but a pattern. If they make 100 patterns, there are 100 yous. Now, nearly instantaneously those patterns would start to diverge as they experienced different things and would become 100 different, but very similar people, just like you are a differnt,

Thank you. I am so tired of seeing this stupid argument rehashed over and over on the internet.