Rad Infinitum

Funny enough that I starred it despite that fact that Rocky loses the fight in the first film.

A friend of mine moved to New York sometime in the late 80s with his girlfriend, who dreamed of becoming an actress. She started taking an acting class, and soon after that started sleeping with a guy she met there. A few years later, my friend is watching TV and an ad for some movie comes on, he jumps up screaming

The most underrated band of the 90s was Quicksand

He’s a righteous man...

I always pictured Larry Underwood as Rick Springfield. And now you all know I am fucking old.

It’s a shame what Artie has done to his life.

No. I think the thing you’re thinking of is having red balloons tied to sewer grates, they did do that.

Perhaps GGG’s opposition would have been better had every fighter worth a shit not tried to avoid him like the fucking plague for most of his career. I love the sport of boxing but the business end of it is a pile of steaming shit.

It’s mostly metaphorical, but occasionally you will see a towel get thrown. This fight ended between rounds, so they just told the ref that their fighter couldn’t continue and he stopped the fight. The entire reason people threw/throw towels into the ring was to get the ref’s attention while the action is still going

Carried by a swallow

There was exactly nothing that was controversial about this stoppage. Cerrone was all busted up. There was no chance that he was going to finish another three rounds, the only thing that was going to happen was his injuries getting even worse. He’s lucky he blew his nose and closed his eye, because if he hadn’t, his

I’m betting it’s Puck. 

Now playing

The San Diego Chicken’s shoe shine bit was way better.

True, that is one aspect of the dog personality, another is one that sleeps on its back, legs spread, tongue hanging out, for like 12-14 hours a day. That’s probably what they’re getting at with the old “being a lazy dog” bit.

It’s a tactic. He’s a kickboxer with mostly lousy wrestling skills, so he keeps his hands low to bait guys into punches he can slip and counter, and also to intercept takedown attempts.

I believe he retired from fighting not long ago, he’s a coach now.

Counter-counterpoint: Johnny Johnson was pure evil.

I’m hoping the angle they take is that he’s an alien, and that good parents and a healthy, stable upbringing aren’t enough to make him human.

That’s insane. I gave Wilder the second round, but I could have seen it going the other way, too. I thought Fury won nine of twelve rounds.