I have your back on this one. I worked at Wendy’s in high school, and the meat was not frozen. It was in the cooler, not the freezer.
This reminds me of the time my son, who was 10 at the time, asked specifically to hear “Suspect Device” by Stiff Little Fingers, then told me they were his favorite band. I have never been more proud.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s because Barry Petchesky isn’t being nominated to the fucking Supreme Court. Weird how lifetime Supreme Court appointees are held to a higher standard than sportswriters.
It’s interesting to me that there was ever a time that you thought about Frank Stallone on consecutive days at all.
Some bones to pick: The GOAT GOAT of sports is Gretzky, without a doubt. No one ever dominated their sport more thoroughly than he dominated hockey, and it is unlikely anyone ever will again. The greatest boxer of all time is Sugar Ray Robinson, and again, it’s not even close. The reason people say it’s Ali is because…
I’m about halfway through the season right now, and I am pretty underwhelmed so far. Now I think I am starting to understand why.
I don’t know if you intended this or not, but I totally read that in Iceman’s voice from Top Gun.
So jean shorts are out, cargo shorts are out, gym shorts are out, and now khaki shorts are out. What kind of fucking shorts are okay these days? It’s getting fucking ridiculous.
I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this, but Michael Shannon’s wife in the end scene is the voice of Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time, as well as a million other cartoons.
Correct. I am not saying that there should have been no reaction, just that this level of overreacting was unwarranted. I would definitely have said something to someone at the airline, but I would not have acted like I was terrified and my life was on the line. It’s ridiculous.
Makes sense. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that myself.
I am not saying that, only that it’s absurd to act like you were placed in life-threatening jeopardy because a stewardess might have been drunk. They literally said a “drunk or stoned stewardess endangered everyone’s lives.” That’s fucking ridiculous. She endangered her job, but no one’s life.
Someone explain to me how a drunk stewardess is endangering anyone’s life. Your life is not in the hands of the sky waitress. Your drinks maybe, but not your life. Drunk pilot = dangerous. Drunk steward/stewardess = hilarious at best, annoying at worst. Quit trying to grub for free airfare with your fake-ass fear.
Once, in the mid-90s, I was coming down from an acid trip one morning, still wide awake from the LSD I took the night before, and this show came on at like 8 am. It was utterly engrossing. I could have totally watched it until the acid wore the rest of the way off, but it was only on for an hour. All that shit that…
I used to love doing that, but there hasn’t been an NCAA football game in five or six years and there probably never will be again.
I agree, the seasons when she joined the cartel weren’t as good as the earlier stuff, but they were still better than what came after. I think the show should have ended when she went to prison.
Y0u don’t see Dragonlance references every day. I wish I could give you more than one star.
The scrappers in Detroit. They have been trying to renovate the old abandoned Packard plant for some time, but they are being stymied by the fact that people have cut out the steel support beams for scrap, making much of the building unstable and unsafe. True story.
In Europe, there are a lot of sporting clubs that field teams in multiple sports. CSKA Moscow has pro basketball, soccer, and hockey teams that I know of, and probably more. It’s very common in Europe.