I’m not sure I would put that much trust in Tillerson. I just read an article where he said his daily foreign policy is literally based on a printout of Trump’s tweets from that morning. That’s fucking terrifying.
I’m not sure I would put that much trust in Tillerson. I just read an article where he said his daily foreign policy is literally based on a printout of Trump’s tweets from that morning. That’s fucking terrifying.
How about the fact that the Kumite would have required quadrillions of people to fill the brackets? He claimed it was like 60 rounds over three days or something, which is impossible.
He isn’t a very good director, or at least he hasn’t been so far. Too much of his work is a blatant and poorly-done imitation of the Coen brothers’ style.
It can’t. The only good thing about the movie was Arkin’s performance. Everyone else was way too over-the-top. The point of the book, to me, was the surreal insanity in these things that everyone treated as banal because of the irrational nature of the war, whereas in the movie everything was exaggerated to an absurd…
It’s still surprising to drop dead in your 40s unless you were a serial drug and/or alcohol abuser.
Jesus fucking christ, did you have to say that was 3rd grade for you?!? I was in my early 20s. Now I feel fucking ancient.
I keep seeing variations of this headline, and it’s really annoying because Dione was not his birth name. It’s what his mother had intended to call him, but then he was born and she called him Thanos instead. That’s like saying my real birth name is Charles because my mom was going to call me Charles but then decided…
The caption of the photo in the article said that the photo of Tretiak on his back had been lost but that it was in the same sequence as that one.
As a lifelong resident of the Detroit Metro area, I can tell you that we have nihilism a-plenty in these parts, the Lions fandom is just the most public expression of it. My kids don’t give a shit about sports, so I suppose at the very least their municipal disappointments won’t be as big as they would be otherwise.
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Kid is lucky Wahlberg isn’t a Detroit native. Imagine what being a Lions fan would do to him. Or maybe that’s exactly what he needs....
Unions help everyone, even people that aren’t in unions.
Does someone tie you down and force you to watch super hero movies? I don’t like horror movies, so I solve that problem by not watching them. Simple!
How is it possible that Geraldo Rivera hasn’t already been ruined by this? There’s no way there aren’t dozens of women with stories about him worse than what we are hearing about all these other douchebags.
Of course not, no evil could be done with such a musical, pleasant-sounding language!
I have honestly probably worn condoms a dozen times in my life. Luckily I have been with my wife for over 20 years, so it hasn’t been an issue for a long time, but when I was young and stupid, I just...didn’t use them. If the girl I was with said to use one I would without argument, but if it didn’t get brought up, I…
Every time I see him, I think someone needs to cast him in a film where he either plays Fred Ward’s son or a young Fred Ward in a flashback. It will be such a waste if they don’t, they look more related than my dad and I do.
Well, it was 30 years ago. Let’s see what you look like in 30 years. I can virtually guarantee it won’t be what you hope it will. Most people do not look better at 50 than they did at 20, lol.
I was 20 when that shit came out. I remember it like it was last week. Depressing.