This is ridiculous. I can’t see a single non-sexist reason for this rule’s existence.
This is ridiculous. I can’t see a single non-sexist reason for this rule’s existence.
Big L’s album is great, too.
Popeye’s chicken is disgusting. I can’t even stand the smell of it. KFC is far superior.
“Come see the violence inherent in the system!”
Everything in this story happened 20 years ago or more.
I think, after reading what he wrote about his friend’s deaths, this guy was just way too sensitive to handle any more loss, especially the person that was closest to him. He broke, and couldn’t go on.
I do not play fantasy football and never have, but I would dearly love to kick A-a-ron Gleason in the balls. This is a guy who tells people that if they play fantasy football they aren’t “real men,” right after explaining how he sobbed uncontrollably when Tony fucking Romo announced his retirement. I am not sure what…
Does anyone else think she looks like Emma Watson’s other-dimensional evil twin? Like, instead of a goatee, she just has thicker eyebrows?
That’s what it was originally, but lately I see it being used in situations like this one, where the genders of the people arguing is incidental to the actual argument and it’s just a know-it-all getting owned.
Michigan native here, Detroit area, and I have definitely heard and said “budge” myself, but now that I think of it, I haven’t heard it in a long time. Since I was a kid, probably, and I am 43 now.
I am from Michigan and we say “stand in line” here. Do people say something else? I have literally never heard it said any other way other than maybe “get in line” from a teacher or something.
Am I the only one that thinks he looks like John Larroquette?
They both look like partially-melted wax dummies of themselves.
I’m still pissed about that stoppage vs Kovalev.
They basically got kicked out for getting too much attention. I know about 75% of the attendees. The bachelor is a very old friend of mine.
Their bus driver was their TC. True story.
This was a bachelor party for one of my oldest friends. The funny thing is, there were about 5 times as many people invited as actually went.
Young Norm was really into shoulder pads.
This is weird to say because I always hated RATM and am not really into rap at all, but I went and listened to a couple of tracks just to see how bad it was, and I really didn’t think it was bad at all. It sounded like RATM fronted by B-Real, which is an improvement in my mind. It’s definitely not as pathetically bad…
Apparently their budget got cut in half, so the second part of the show was very much a “what can we do with the money we have left” sort of thing.