Rad Infinitum

Ooh, that’s a good one, I’ll use that next time I drag that story out of her.

A good friend of mine went to see Marky Mark & His Funky Minions back when he was at his peak with a bunch of her girlfriends and a couple of moms. They somehow found out what hotel he was staying at, and the moms were cool enough to take the girls there. They waited and wound up seeing him come out of his limo at the

They’d say, “Killary’s done worse. At least Trump admits it!” and run gleefully to the voting booth.

“I’ll continue to break news and share my insights with you on Twitter as I always have, so nothing really changes for me.” Except that now he’ll be doing it for free instead of a paycheck, so I guess it changes a little bit.

The French have a term for that, I can’t remember what it is, but it roughly translates to “the wisdom of the staircase,” in other words, you come up with the perfect comeback as you are walking down the stairs, leaving.

Not all white wimmins. Apparently.

I think Perez is going to make an impact. He got 17 goals in his first season playing in the middle up front, and that was with Deportivo’s guys around him. I doubt they have anyone of the quality of Ozil, Cazorla, or Alexis providing setups. I have high hopes for this season.

You left out the part where they manage to eke out a win in the first leg of the round of 16 but then get annihilated in the second.

Detroit Lions player Eric Andolsek was killed by a guy that took his eyes off the road and swerved into his yard while he was cutting the grass. Thankfully, my wife does all the yard work at my house.

How common is this sort of cheating? My 12-year-old son is convinced that every good player he comes across is a hacker. I have my doubts, but I do wonder how widespread this is? Like, if you play 20 rounds of multiplayer in Halo or Modern Warfare, how many times do you think you would be up against someone using some

I’m guessing because it’s way harder to do and saps a lot of energy unless you are an athlete of Phelps’ caliber.

Questions embiggen’s one’s intellect.

She looks like the old lady church-organ player in the Simpsons playing Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida.

When I read your comment, I thought, “well, that’s pretty fuckin’ random,” then I saw the name of who you were responding to.

When Hinckley tried to assassinate Reagan. I was 6, almost 7.

I feel the exact same way. If NASCAR ran on the kind of tracks F1 does, I’d actually watch.

“Us, too” say Shawn Kemp and Travis Henry.

You are assuming, for some reason that I can’t see, that Leinart has the depth of character to feel any regrets for anything. I doubt this. I would bet money I don’t have that he is supremely self-satisfied.

I’m guessing they couldn’t discern DNA because it was a mix of several people’s sperm? I’m purely speculating, but it’s all I could think of.

So essentially his defense is that he was trying to take the poor girl home but wound up accidentally gang-raping her with a bunch of guys he met on the street? Very believable. I suppose he took the video to gather evidence on his kidnappers, right? He was just playing along, like an undercover cop.