Rad Infinitum

Keeping the games as fair and on-the-level as possible facilitates the money-making, actually. A big part of why sports are so popular is gambling, and if people think the games are rigged or unfair in a basic sense, the won’t bet, or will at least bet less, and interest in the game decreases. That’s what they really

In fact, it’s one of the best trauma centers in the country, he’s lucky the accident happened only a couple miles from the DMC.

Hahaha, what a crock of shit. I was the first of my friends to have kids. My “friends” abandoned me like I had the fucking plague. They called for a little while, but when you always say “no” to hanging out because you have responsibilities, they stop calling pretty fucking fast. I have exactly zero friends now. If

Juliana Margulies could play her in the Lifetime movie of this event.

She looks like an actress that plays a doctor on TV. I love her, anyone that makes Mourinho look bad is awesome, in my book.

Show me a cardiologist that says weed is bad for your heart. Cigarettes, sure, but people that just smoke pot don’t generally even have problems with their lungs, let alone their hearts.

He didn’t miss his calling, he just wasn’t good enough. He played at Miami for a year and a half and got cut by the Dolphins in pre-season.

Do none of you watch Adventure Time? She’s Hot Dog Princess.

I feel the same, except I don’t really feel bad about it. I mean, I’m not against the death penalty because I don’t want shitbags like this to get their richly-deserved punishment, I’m against it because too often it is applied to people that are innocent and that’s unacceptable. In this case, he isn’t innocent. I

Maybe they meant ladder, as in, he wanted to climb her

Eating a whole t-shirt never hurt my buddy’s labrador. Sure, he wound up with half a t-shirt hanging out of his asshole and my friend had to step on it and let the dog run off of it, but he lived a long life afterward. Quit being a pussy!

It’s “tenets,” tenants are occupants of a residence. Anyway, feminism does claim that women are equally capable, but if they were equally powerful and in control of their lives, feminism wouldn’t be necessary. Your argument is weak, to be charitable.

I would say “he forced me to do it” is most of the reason feminism exists, personally.

“In the eyes of the law she did not kill her child.”

What a handsome devil. I’m shocked that his natural charisma alone isn’t enough to keep unruly defenders in line.

Yeah, they made a whole series of shitty movies about death catching up with you.

Oh, believe you me, they get the message without me saying a damn thing.

How the fuck can there be a heated rivalry between two teams with no history? So dumb. This would be like me telling my new neighbors that they are now my arch-nemeses the first day we meet.

So that we can solve problems with our phones, of course! It’s so much easier to have a smart phone than to just be smart yourself. I’m so fucking glad I was born in the 70s.