I call shenanigans on the staged “fail” video.
I call shenanigans on the staged “fail” video.
Her family must keep her in pretty good cash supply, though, if she dropped everything and rented a place in Brooklyn. You can’t do that if you’re the average broke-ass student.
History major, but I know the type all too well.
By refusing to take the oath, they are disrupting established paradigms and creating synergistic through-put.
He’s the only guy in baseball that straps on the foil before games.
It’s hilarious, just not in the way he intended it to be, I don’t think.
They edited out the part where he turned to his altar boys and yelled “who will sex Mutombo tonight?”
Giggling proves nothing. People giggle when they are amused. They also giggle when they’re nervous, some do it when they’re uncomfortable. I find it very hard to believe that she thought it was fun and hilarious to defend this person. I hear the opposite, myself.
Does he not have representation to advise him against such a stupid move? No one was ever going to trade for him. This move alone shows his lack of competitive edge. Favre never doubted for a minute that he was going to start in front of Rodgers for as long as he wanted to. He was wrong in the long run, of course, but…
They should have named this horse Shawn Kemp.
I love his golden double-barreled shotgun tusks. One of my favorite characters designs ever.
My kids wanted to name our black lab puppy Raven, which we nixed. Second choice was Lady Legasus. I told them there was no way I was opening my door and yelling “Lady Legasuuuuus!” to call my friggin’ dog. We eventually settled on Abby.
I started following Arsenal a few years back after using them as my go-to squad on FIFA for years, and now I watch more soccer than anything else, except maybe college football (which I actually prefer to the NFL).
Think of it as its own round robin tournament. You play every other team twice, once home, once on the road, and at the end the team with the best record wins. Once I stopped thinking of it as a “season” and started thinking of it as a tourney, it made total sense. A league like the NFL has to have a playoff, the…
You’d have more credibility if you knew his name was ROB Ramage and not ROD Ramage, goddamit! I was going to give you a typo pass, but the “D” and “B” keys aren’t exactly next to one another. I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself by telling us who Ramage killed in his DUI.
Morris Day was my favorite part of that movie other than the actual soundtrack. He makes me laugh every time I watch it.
I didn’t say he can’t punch Diaz out, I said he can’t do it the same way as he does at 145. He doesn’t have one-punch KO power at welterweight, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t win at that weight, just that he’d have to do it differently. He would have to learn to be patient and box. It’s all irrelevant now anyway…