Rad Infinitum

He can beat Diaz, he just can’t do it the way he beats guys at 145. He isn’t putting a welterweight to sleep with his power like he does against featherweights. He gassed himself in that fight, and Diaz punished him for it, but until he did gas out, he was doing just fine.

That water was not rushing.

Because it isn’t supposed to be used as an insult, it’s meant to describe something basic or unadorned. Idiots turned it into an insult.

Too bad they can’t see how much better off they’d be if they stopped fighting each other and instead fought together to make some changes in their country.

You could, but then they’d be written and everyone would be able to plainly see that they’re stupid.

Johnny Speedball? Johnny Eightball? Johnny Beerhall? Johnny Canadian Football? Take your pick.

Kids today just don’t respect the Unwritten Rules of Baseball...

They had no good reason to do this. Unless they believe one of those guys is the next Peyton Manning, this was stupid, and since no one believes that anywhere, not in the Rams front office or anywhere else, this was just stupid.

Nothing, that’s a mouth guard that has teeth drawn on it.

I hear MLS is already working on bringing this guy over, they say if he can do that in the tenth division in England he’ll surely feature in MLS.

I wish I were in a position to have to decide how to waste $400,000. I do find it appalling that a fucking chair is worth what would take a normal person 10 years to earn. It’s not like Coleridge sat in it while writing “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and smoking opium. It’s a pop-culture phenomenon.

Amy Shumer’s a size 6? I find that very hard to believe. My wife is 5'2" and weighs 97 lbs and she wears between sizes 4-6. I mean, I don’t especially care what size dress Shumer wears, I think she’s hilarious and I’ve never thought much about her beyond that, but she sure looks a decent measure larger than my wife.

I guess money trumps permanent brain injuries.

In that case, you should probably avoid your neighbors entirely.

Why would he sit on the bench all summer? I’m not trying to be a smartass, I’m genuinely asking as I know next to nothing about English national team politics. He’s by far the best English scoring forward in the Premier League, is he not? Why wouldn’t they play him?

Russia would like a word.

My sons are 12 and 10, and I told them that there’s no way I can prevent them from looking up awful or bizarre things, but to always remember before they do so that there are some things you just can’t un-see. So far they seem to have taken that advice to heart.

I wound up selling him for like 60 million dollars because I developed a 96 overall striker from Uruguay or something.

Oh yeah, he was a star for me on FIFA 13.