
So it’s terrorism when a brown person shoots a bunch of white people because they “hate us” but it’s not terrorism when a white person shoots brown people for the same reason?

There should be an Flag option added called “stupid” for people like this.

Not political. He’s the type of person who’d grab the V and leave the CLIT.

Does it have to be on default “please move human” setting or can you have it play the chorus from “Move Bitch”? Because I’d lol all day if my little robo vacuum was blaring that song at me.

It’s not about who’s to blame that is so frustrating, it’s about the fact that they don’t give a shit, even after being explained AND seeing the aftermath.

I really object to the assertion that neural networks work like the human brain. They really do not, even if that’s what they aspire to be.

I don’t find the trailer an eyesore. The country is at odds with each other because people like you feel the need to push your idea of what a “decent human” is onto other people. Laws and property rights were created for people just like you. This trailer isn’t hurting anyone, it isn’t causing a decrease in

Mercedes may be a “luxury” brand in the US, but hey market econoboxes in a lot of other markets. (And cargo vans here)

I hope those hackers enjoy looking at my sad, sad history of shitty fantasy football teams.