
Says the app is not compatible with my Pixel 2... WTF!

My Fire tablet has been essentially retired after I realized I cannot chromecast Netflix from it. Such a dumb decision to block that feature.

You forgot “The Orville” :p

Same way Murika pays for everything - debt. No-one cares that debt keeps ballooning, might as well invest it in infrastructure. 

I have one and love it! however there are a couple pitfalls:

I have one and love it! however there are a couple pitfalls:

This is a standard safety feature in other parts of the world. The brake lights flash when braking hard. 

Stop thinking “hauling construction material” or “rock crawling” and start thinking “going camping” or “outdoor sports”. While most camping/sporting equipment will fit in the back or ontop of the current Wrangler, many of us would rather throw it in a truck bed.

Depends on the city. This vehicle is not suitable for LA or Dallas where you need to take a freeway to get anywhere. It would be great in NY or Chicago for those that live/work/play in the city where the speed limits are 30 mph and accidents less prone to injury or fatality.

The season premier showed everything wrong with the show. It could have been fantastic with the team off to gather artifacts from museums to help restore civilization. Instead the focus became the predictable glass floor breaking with the ever threat of zombies.

These subscription services are more akin to gym memberships than timeshares. Easy to cancel. 

Cause services like Car2Go are fantastic. If we need to drive downtown we take Car2Go rather than our own cars. $12-25 to park while trying to find open spots, vs $5 to drive each way with tons of free parking options. Plus if we have a few drinks we can decide to cab and not worry about leaving the car downtown.

Dye the carpet black and the rest of the yellow accents won’t look so bad.

Yes. Avigilon. Manufactured in the USA and Canada.

How many times are you going to repeat that asinine comment?

Custom built == expensive.

I did this with my M3 and the looks I got were priceless!

I had a similar take away from the Arya/Nymeria scene. Her direwolf turns a shoulder cause Arya is headed in the wrong direction. I suspect we won’t see Arya in the next episode and are left guessing where, and who, she is.

The current car is what happens when you slap on splitters, spoilers, wings and winglets to a perfectly good car. Those people are shunned at car meets. I cannot envision driving the race car equivalent of that.


What part of capital GAINS is not clear?