
Yo this is dope as fuck.

or get a suzuki sv650.... still get to enjoy the engine sound and feel that a 90 degree twin makes, but with bulletproof reliability and tons of community/aftermarket support (and i won’t even bring up what a used sv650 goes for these days lol)

Fair, but that’s mostly just weather for very temperate climates. Having grown up in a cold climate like Minnesota, it makes more sense to remember that 0 is the temperature for freezing instead of 32F.

Not like in America, where we are consistent in our measurements.

My wife and I go back and forth on this all the time. She will immediately toss anything if its past whatever date is printed on the packaging. I, on the other hand, will eat anything no matter what the date says as long as it doesn’t look or smell funny. 

50 50 at best

Or...perhaps a bypass? 

I mean, I write on the internet for a living. Fighting on the internet is literally my job.

If you murdered 49 people and referenced me I, as a rational person, would be very hurt and dismayed by this. I would take a DEEP look into my language and my message and try to see why you did this. Is my message being distorted? Or am I actually sharing hurtful things about another race/religion/etc?
I would do

Paraphrasing Lucius Fox from ‘The Dark Knight’:

8 shows, and not a single one of them being the thing that me and my Trekkie friends want. All we want is a normal Star Trek show that takes place after Voyager...

We pretty much already have Lower Decks in The Orville.

Corn, mostly. Anything sugar can be made into plastic. It was literally invented when formaldehyde spilled into a bowl of milk.

No airbag, can confirm

If I were an American corporate executive in China at this moment, I’d seriously consider booking the next flight home...

80 db is the level of a dishwasher. 95 db is a subway train. The difference is about 6x, the scale is not linear.

Netflix make several hundred TV shows year, I’d happily let them do at least one choose your own adventure thing per month. If it’s not for you, can’t you just ignore it like we all do with 95% of their shit?

The Microsoft Sculpt is the best keyboard because it is ergonomic, extremely comfortable to type on, and easy to use if you touch type. The split numeric keypad also makes its footprint shorter if you do not use the numeric keypad. If you do, it might still be more comfortable to forget it exists and use the keyboard.

The Microsoft Sculpt is the best keyboard because it is ergonomic, extremely comfortable to type on, and easy to use

Poor snow management. This doesn’t happen in Norway because they shovel their snow. All that snow is heavy.

You've set up a stupid false dichotomy then.