Kristof Szabo

I know it wasn’t too dark because I shot it.

I heard on a podcast that during shooting, Sean Astin asked the Helm’s Deep cinematographer Andrew Lesnie where the light was coming from, and Lesnie said “the same place as the music.”

Obviously the correct thing to do would have been to calmly explain why her emotional response to the scene was invalid.

The scene was silly and seemingly made for future gifs or memes, but the teenage girl sitting near me in the theater cheered her head off.  So that’s kinda cool at least.  The similar scene in the last movie definitely worked better.

Harmony Korrine is proof that the border between “visionary filmmaker” and “absolute crazy person” is microscopically thin.

Ok, guys, enough with this: The Prince and Snow White fell in love in the beginning of the movie. When Snow runs off after the Huntsman lets her go, The Prince doesn’t know about the Queen’s plan and goes looking for her. During his search, the Evil Queen poisons Snow.

Whenever I rewatch Predator 2 I always want it to be a little better than it is. But, I do find myself rewatching it.

The first sequel is underrated 

Fuck you John. I work on mental health policy for a living, and child pornography isn’t a mental illness - it’s a crime. Sexual assault isn’t a product of emotional fragility - it’s a crime. I don’t care what shit you were going through. You don’t get to use mental illness as an excuse for this, any more than Kevin

This news doesn’t make me happy happy joy joy.

Shatner has Epic Level Legendary Geek Cred and that, combined with his advanced age, means that in no way on God’s Green Earth Does The Shat Give A Fuck What You Think.

Jesus fuck, what a goddamn tragedy. The man was really one of the all-time great character actors.

For all the garbage clickbait that floods the AV Club, I want to express appreciation for articles like this that are based on actual journalistic effort, and relay insights from a properly good movie critic. It’s frankly tragic that something like this counts for just as many “clicks” (if not fewer), then some

“so do our sensibilities and our awareness of the ways in which injustice operates systematically.”

Really, really going to miss this column. It’s the last of what the AV Club used to be like. Very excited for your Age of Heroes column next!

This was an astonishingly good year for video games, if not always the culture around them. The best games were confident, experimental, thoughtful, surprising, and entirely sincere. Wolfenstein II had a deranged vision about the horrors of American Nazism and what was needed to fight it, but it was also one it fully

A seemingly endless series of indelible images, and some of the best action ever committed to film. An instant classic. Mad Max: Fury Road is the only movie I have seen twice in the theater in the last decade. I just watched it on blu-ray for the first time in preparation for this column, and I don’t know if it was

This article makes me feel truly ashamed of what AV Club has become.

One of the greatest faces in the history of acting. Total legend. From Alien to Repo Man to Twin Peaks. Immortal in art my good man. RIP HDS.