Kristof Szabo

As a big Wes Anderson fan I agree with most of this comment, but I also believe that Moonrise Kingdom and Fantastic Mr. Fox are legit great movies where the stlye doesn’t overtly dominates everything and the actual substance can balance it out.

It’s pretty fucking depressing that this clickbait garbage is what constitutes as content on the AV Club.

I’ve seen Fury Road five times in the theater. Five times. There were movies that I saw twice, but not an anoher one that made me so hypnotized with it’s visual force, power and intensity that after seeing I had to watch it again. And again. And again. It was like when you hear certain filmmakers being obessed with

I know that a lot of people can’t really get into South Korean movies to the whiplash changes of tone and the extreme violence, but their unpredictability is a large factor why I got into them. And by that I don’t just mean storywise but genre-wise as well. One of the best examples is the 2015 movie The Divine Move

What a life and career this man had. One of the most instantly recognizable faces in film history and when you look through his filmography it’s easy to go “Holy shit he was actually in that!”. R.I.P.

Next time: The raw-as-fuck blockbuster The Man From Nowhere proves that absolutely nobody makes action movies like South Korea.”

Lifeforce is indeed very underrated and Mathilda May looks amazing in it.

Taken is a movie that works for two specific reasons: One is of course Liam Neeson who’s not only a believable action hero but can also perfectly channel the sheer desperation of a father who might lose his loved one. The other is Pierre Morel’s direction. His pacing is absolutely breakneck and you can feel the sheer

I don’t really know how to use Kinja so I pretty much did “Claim Your Account” and the burner option. It seems like it displays my old Disqus account.

I honestly can't decide whether I should laugh, howl or cry. Probably will do all three.

Also I obsessively listen anything Omar Rodriguez-Lopez releases, which given his massive productivity is no easy task.

The hungarian avant-garde one-man metal project Thy Catafalque which I can best describe as a combination of atmospheric black metal, Neurosis-like post-metal with heavy touches of folk, industrial and ambient music thrown into the mix. The result is music that feels and sounds like a trip into a dark, foggy forest

Decided to escape from the horrors of the real world. Played the old Fallout games (yes playing in a post-apocalyptic future was more uplifting) and listened to Anathema through most of the weekend. Judgement is one of the best records ever imo.

Can't decide what's funnier: The haircuts or the fucking bug torches.

2017: The year when Kesha released an album that not only doesn't make me puncture my eardrums but it's a matured, honest and suprisingly enjoyable pop record with some real standouts. Color me impressed I hope this will be just the starter of a long, succesful career.

Stupid? Yes. Historically inaccurate? Without a doubt. But it's an entertaining dose of big, hyper-visual stupidity that I still found to much more stomachable than Snyder's other stuff…although I haven't rewatched in years.
And once again the recommended section has great mentions: Kill Zone, Death Sentence, Planet

Seeing Face/Off not only making the list, but at #2 makes me unreasonably happy. And yes Jackie Brown is the kind of movie that only gets better and better with every subsequent view.

This week we just recived a major heatwave, resulting in a constant 95-100 degree weather for six days straight. Thank God my room has air-conditioning, but it was still very rough (especially nighttime when the temperature went down but the humidity kicked up).
Watched Atomic Blonde which is a trashy, stylized cross

Still a better article than the one on Marie Claire which called it "just an excuse for men to celebrate maleness". Now that made me scream at my laptop.

Yesterday I went and watched Dunkirk. I tried to keep my expectations at a reasonable level, considering you can easily get disappointed if you get on the hype train too much (especially if the reception is estatic). My worries ended about 10 minutes in, it absolutely floored me. I loved how Nolan basically trimmed