
In all likelihood, she has an iron-clad prenup working against her, and no right to her husband’s money. If she did squirrel away savings, how much could she hide?

Oh daaaamn.

This reminds me of how I smile at my boss when we make eye contact and then after she turns aways I crinkle my nose in distaste.

while i do not advocate shaming in any way - this clip puts me in the mind of a popular internet aphorism, reversed:

Oh god, she and Ivanka are making nearly the same face for a second.

Oh, I basically agree. There are degrees all around, from mild and notional to horrific and abusive.

That’s one of the most impressively ‘muricah! and impressively bad outfits ever.

You gotta see what Kellyane Conweigh is wearing today. It looks like something from an 80's talent show with a 4th of July theme. Or maybe she got a tailor to make her an American Girl outfit.

Melania’s outfit looks like it was made from a Slanket/Snuggie :(

The issue is that there isn’t necessarily a “better” way. There are different ways.

If timeouts always worked, guess what? Everybody would be using timeouts. Because, really, having the kid STFU and be still for 5 minutes to solve every problem would just be awesome.

However, reality shows that some kids just don’t

I absolutely agree. There is an imperative need for women’s health issues to be discussed and highlighted. It’s such a sad state of affairs that most women are unaware of endometriosis when it is such a chronically painful condition that has unfortunately been on the rise. The fact that young girls have to suffer

Yeah I don’t really get why we are ripping on her for this. Trust me, its terrible and can be temporarily debilitating. Missing work, vacations, events, or just sitting home on the couch in horrific pain is a reality for many women. Its honestly crazy that it hasn’t gotten more attention. All you can do is take some

she might not be the woman we’d choose to talk about endometriosis but she’s the woman we deserve. america ‘17.

I’m glad someone is talking about it... I have so many period problems that I feel like I can’t talk about lest I be cast as some sickly, wimpy woman. The more women talking about women’s health issues, the more seriously it will be taken by the medical community.

Not Lena’s biggest fan, but endometriosis is no fucking joke. I appreciate the fact that she is very open about it, because the attitude of “just shut up and deal with it” when women have extremely heavy periods/awful cramps is still too prevalent.

Hate to take Robin Thicke’s side on anything, ew, but I’ve already wondered how I would handle my ex in-laws’ funerals. My husband and I were together for 18 years from the time we were 17. My MIL took my side on the divorce, at least in the initial 6 month shock of it. They hugged me this year when I randomly saw

I would say that it’s among the biggest disgraces of our era, but I’m sure something will disgust me more before the hour is up.

I haven’t spanked my kids either but i think a lot of people hear spanking and go straight to the imagined leather belt whipping the shit out of their kids, which is not what is meant in 99% of scenarios. Light spankings should be a tool in a parents arsenal. Not every child responds to grounding and time outs.

I feel like this is a mountain/molehill thing. I do not and have not spanked my child, but I don’t think a tap on the behind (never strong enough to leave a mark) is worthy of a goddamn investigation.