
I may be too optimistic, but I am assuming “unnerving” was less meant as a commentary on “omg it’s already been so long” and more in the vein that she puts forward a strong and happy front throughout most of her interactions, so it can be a sharp switch to be reminded that she’s still very much in mourning. She says

Plus even though it was actors in those vignettes, those were all real love stories.

Do folks really have a hard time peeling it...? I always just smack the flat edge of a knife against the clove and it essentially pops right out. Need it crushed? Just smash harder or use then back of a fork. Mincing takes the longest, but even that doesn’t take that long. And honestly I love the garlic smell on my

They’re pretty open about the fact that they go out of their way to remind people that it takes real work (and what was successful and helped them in their relationship issues) because celebrity couples tend to get glorified as “goals” based on random smiling photo ops. I appreciate it, and honestly their insights on

It’s some really performative statements. That one feels so self centered. The statement about her ring also sounds more like she’s trying to send a message to her husband about being together. 

NOOot surprised after she disappointed The hell out of me after arguing with me DIRECTLY on Twitter about transphobia

Based on her age and demographics when she got into the business, it was probably a survival tactic for asking tough questions.

I mean that’s the original album art. She looked pretty close to that at the time(obvs airbrushing)

You’re right. I should have been more clear-for ME if some of those other tactics had been available they would have worked better (and in fact my parents figured this out from trial and error). I also think it’s worth remembering that as punishment the action may not be any better than, say, a timeout, but for some

My husband suffers from that, as well. He was very brutally abused by a step parent both physically and emotionally as a child. As well as kidnapped for a year. It’s a long road.

I can count on Two fingers the times I was spanked. The first was barely a smack and it was more the shock that my parent carried through the threat that was upsetting. The second wasn’t hard either, in reality. I remember very clearly how much I escalated my behavior. I wasn’t that way all the time, but there were a

And that was the appropriate response to the question. Well done, Hicks.

Oh god. The moment Utkarsh walked into The Mindy Project, I was drooling. Holy. Hell.

They’ll just start taking guesses at who will run in 4 years 😑

I viewed it as less “women are innately good” and more like “we literally socialize women to respond like this and it’s insane that we then think they aren’t good enough for office.”

Meh. I honestly never thought much of the name either way. Lululemon seems just as stupid.

Fab-letics like ath-letics

Yeah, this moron came to Lancaster, PA to try to paint Amish and “farm” folk (ignoring we have a huge arts community in the city) as anti-trans and “on the right side.”

Especially when JLD is notorious for being in cahoots with the women she’s “up against” to play pranks or be silly together during awards shows...

Though it might have to do with kids’ (and adults’) education being impeded by something so simple as not being able to read the page in front of you?