
Yeah, I was reaching for something that he wouldn’t immediately dismiss as a liberal site. When your opponent’s whole shtick is “I don’t trust the media” it’s hard to bring evidence to the discussion.

They really are obsessed with Black cock, aren’t they? Just can’t get it off their minds.

Pretty sure michael gambon has already played a british version of trump in layer cake?

It’s baffling that they keep using this argument.

Trump supporters: “Bill Clinton abused women.”
People living in reality: “Good thing he’s not running for president.”
TS: “But he’s Hilary’s husband and she supported him.”
PLIR:”Oh, so we should blame Melania for Trump’s abuse of women too and standing by him?”
TS: “No,

It’s dangerous (source: decades and decades and decades and decades of lynchings) and so blatantly hypocritical. “Oh sure, White Guy, defend me from that big scary black man who is just minding his own business and living his life, but totally ignore your white buddy who has ACTUALLY BRAGGED ABOUT ASSAULT, because

Your reply should be “That wasn’t an erection; Obama’s just that big. Donald “small hands” Trump is clearly jealous.”

Right? Sorry, bro, but men have proven time & again that they can’t be trusted with public office and keep their dicks in their pants. Why would we want another one of those?

You can’t even drop Snopes on these people anymore. I’ve seen this and other memes all over Facebook.

It pisses me off too, especially since that reasoning is what caused Dylan Roof to go on a shooting spree. It’s a very dangerous way of thinking and it seems to be at the heart of so many racial issues when it comes to white men.

LOL, that’s an excellent point. I think I’m going to wait to see what my friend says. I trust him to not let that shit slide, so I probably don’t need to insert myself into the conversation. But if he ignores it, I might just write something along the lines of “You know what, you’re right! Men are completely

OMG I would love to see who they get to play a Serious Actor’s version of Trump. Anybody can do an Alec Baldwin-type comedy impression, but who do you get to portray someone of such cartoonish character in a serious movie?

I would say just drop the link on them but his supporters don’t seem to care about facts and logic.
By the way, I saw that video pop on FB too. Like who thought that this would be a great scandal to make up? Even if it were true, you’re pointing that men can’t keep their dicks in check so why would we elect another

This made me laugh harder than I care to admit. I’m an attorney and my law partner and I discuss this often, as we get into it with her PR husband about the proper spacing. Clearly, I’m an advocate of the two spaces after the period.

They’ve been debating this for a bit:

What is it with lawyers and double spaces after every period?

I love how these fuckers are threatening the NYT for *actually* “telling it like it is.”

And, from a legal point of view, rock-solid: if you have no reputation to lose, you can’t be defamed.

(Slightly) off-topic: thank God that gif of Billy Bush sucking his finger and mouthing “I’m a bad boy” has gone from the carousel at the top of Jezebel’s front page. It was making my morning sickness about 8000% worse than it already is.

it was major burn

Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.