Just when I think the Trump campaign can’t be any more absurd...
Just when I think the Trump campaign can’t be any more absurd...
Taylor is a brat.
I think her business acumen and control of her image must be super appealing to someone so consistently misunderstood. Kanye lacks control, Kim has it in spades. They are a match made in a focus group and it’s been a pleasure to watch it unfold.
Sounds good to me.
I’ve always said that they are two people on Earth genuinely perfect for each other. I don’t doubt for two seconds that they sincerely love each other. Maybe not as much as they love themselves, but close.
I never knew that the thing I wanted most in the world was a Jenndashian to date French Stewart, but here we are. I kinda hat Khloe though, so let’s have Kendall date him PLEASE.
That’s the job. Kinda have to watch it to write about it. And we all came here, even me this week (I normally skip these), and including you as well, so clearly the author is doing something right.
Ewww girl, you still post on Jezebel? It’s like a fire of hot garbage libtarddder sauce and Hulk Hogan is gonna own it with Peter Theil and I’ll be so happy when I don’t have this outlet to complain about this outlet! Also ladies are THE WORST, AND I WOULD NOT EVER DATE OR MARRY THEM EVEN OF THEY ASKED!
Oscar 2020!
I am clearly a hopeless garbage person, because even with this detailed commentary I cannot keep any of these details straight (and I never watch the show because I have the cheapest possible cable package and refuse to pay for Kardashians). But I have just outdone myself in misunderstanding. When Khloe was going out…
HOT TAKE: I think Kim and Kanye are cute together. Sure, they are both absolutely insane, but they seem really supportive of each other and I buy it.
I don’t know why I’m still shocked when when people are so unobservant as to take the time to post about something they think they are above, and trash it, showing that they aren’t above it, and outing themselves as hating themselves.
I have to admit.. the amount of planning, filming, and time that went into the Taylor Swift take down is impressive.
Kanye likes “authentic people.”
And to post a half naked picture to slut shame and embarrass her (well, actually an innocent bystander) when the Kardashians all so vocally defend Kim’s right to do whatever she wants with her body as essentially a feminist move.
What the fuck, Khloé?
That’s gross as fuck, and it’s incredibly immature for a woman in her 30s to be picking a fight with a 19 year old because she doesn’t like something the girl said about her sister that one time.
YIKES. I’m ok with “NSFW” but I’m not ok with what Khloe posted. Unauthorized nudity isn’t funny. Kinda revenge porn-ish, bad form Koko...
Ok so Khloe is gross.
All of this is SO DELICIOUS, but then Khloe had to come in and ruin with her tweet about CGM. Good job.