
I think you are overstating things. I don’t know if the chick was even identifiable in the video. Honestly, I think she just didn’t want to face the “why? Why? WHY?” you get when you call it quits. She was just ending the conversation. I wouldn’t call her unsavory unless she suspected it would get out.

WOOOOOW!!! Now THAT is a sweet fucking revenge move like no other. I bet the fallout was insane!!! Though, if we’re being totally frank here, and I was the girlfriend I’d make backup’s and send those (and make it known I have the originals) to the ladies involved. Shit, I’d send the tapes directly to husbands or SO’s

My sister’s best friend was lounging around her longtime boyfriend’s house one day and when she got bored she popped in a random tape she found sitting on a shelf. There she saw a woman she knew well from church having sex with her boyfriend. She was beside herself and stunned, of course, and as she sat there stunned

Yea, I... errrr, she went scorched earth on that bridge. The story only gets better, but will not be put on a public publication due to possible legal repercussions at some point down the road;) Good Riddance I say!

My mom used to say: You can only trust Allah. Since that bitch isn't real, don't trust anyone. You're alone.

Tell your “friend” that was a damn satisfying revenge story.

No one from her side admitted that they leaked it. You know ain’t nobody going to own that.

God, she’s aging in reverse. I’m gonna go watch little shop of horrors and send good vibes her way.

This is almost as good as my “friend” who had her child’s deadbeat father car towed to a parking lot after kicking him out, and then proceeded to fill it with used baby diapers after she got a myspace message from the other woman informing her she was knocked up with his kid also.

I wouldn’t fuck with him!


I *understand* the people who are using it to be contrary.

His twitter bio lists being vegan and then he goes on to talk about sentient beings. I have a feel that he was leaning less towards the white-apologist side and more towards to pretentious vegan side.

Yeah, if you have a super great idea that you don’t run by your co-workers before implementing in this massively public setting, it’s because, deep down, you know it’s a stupid fucking idea they’d have rightly shut down.

He believes the earth is flat. It’s not, but his voice is. Also, what a Dick. The Canadien National Anthem is a gorgeous song, one of the finest of all anthems. Also he believes the earth is flat. This should disqualify him from being part of human society.

This is one of those moments where you think you have a great idea but really need to cool your tits and tell yourself, “maybe don’t.”

I mean if there’s flat earth stuff all over his facebook he’s definitely not too bright.

Before I watched the video, I KNEW it was going to be the guy on the left. It’s like douchery has a visible aura.

I speak for the human race and the lives of all sentient beings

That jacket...