
If only Beyoncé hadn’t written that darn song!

Yes, I am sure that he is at least a little mad at her - I would be in his situation. But I appreciate that he is being tactful for the kids’ sake.

for sure but i’m pretty sure he fucking hates jay-z so i’d imagine his wrath is more on the carters

I’d imagine he’s also upset with Roy for inserting herself into the drama for no fucking reason, thus bringing all of that attention on herself (and her children by proxy)? Not that I’d expect him to say that on national TV....

Because you my man are just like everyone else hustling to get money. But your cognitive dissidents has you getting it from THAT BYSTANDER whom YOU DONT NEED. Yes. BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION is WHITE OWNED.

I wasn’t aware that a racial equivalent of a ‘guy’s girl’ existed.

That really depends on how you look at it. As in someone directly using a gun to defend themselves? Then yeah definitely. As in the threat of a gun deterring people (I.e. Someone not committing a criminal act because the victim may have a gun)? Much harder to tell. Anecdotally many people (especially people originally

It pisses me off that this woman isn’t around the suffer the consequences of what she has done. She has ruined her husbands life, she has ruined her daughter’s fiancé’s life, and since she basically choose suicide by cop, the police officer is going to have to live his entire life dealing with it too. Fuck this lady.

But thats not the argument, because those are not binary options of “shoot family member” OR “shoot intruder” and you must choose one.

I posted this before in the first article— I know a family where something very similar happened, only the two girls were like 2 and 4, and both the mom and her mother did it. The dad had the same name, as well. It was in the midst of a custody dispute, which involved some (likely mistaken) abuse allegations. I’ve

Spiteful people are the worst. The fact that she was willing to kill her daughters out of spite is scary as fuck.

And watching as mom re-loaded to come back and finish them off?

Cant even wrap my mind around those last moments. :(

If you don’t see the flaws in your own argument of “anyone could be dangerous with this one thing, therefore we should ban this one thing”, and then call me a dumbass for asking if we can extrapolate that at all, then I don’t think you’re prepared to have any sort of civil/informed conversation about this.

I think that is the entire point. Everyone’s a responsible driver, until they aren’t. Everyone’s a responsible parent, until they aren’t. Everyone’s a responsible drunk, until they aren’t. I really see absolutely zero flaw with that argument....

In their final moments on earth, these poor girls were fully aware that their own mother was going to blow them away just to spite their father. On his birthday.

Everyone is a responsible gun owner until, you know, suddenly they aren’t.

girl, you got some magic thighs

John and Kate Plus Eight Ball.