Lower income Americans are actually more generous than better off people. They probably don’t give to the same charities wealthier liberals give to.
Lower income Americans are actually more generous than better off people. They probably don’t give to the same charities wealthier liberals give to.
That’s an odd thing to be “fairly sure” about, unless you have some knowledge of how Daily Show tweets are composed as opposed to pure supposition.
I know a lot of people make anonymous donations, but I am 100% certain Trump would never do a good deed without announcing it to the world and congratulating himself over and over again.
I don’t think they have an entire writer’s room working on one social media account.
I think his core demographic is either of the “boot-strappin’ it” class or the “no one helped me when I was out of work” class.
Isn’t a sizeable donation to the ‘Police Athletic League’ a classic get-out-of-a-ticket move?
Notably, those first two items are things that A. are often REQUIRED by municipalities as part of development agreements in order to build on properties and/or B. often result in significant tax abatement for land that could never have been built on, usually for environmental reasons. Also, you know all that land was…
Shut it down, we have a winner
Planned Parenthood, the local Humane Association, NPR (not a charity, but come on), Human Rights Watch, and the ACLU. I’m far from rich, but I give what I can.
Trump misconstruing a lawsuit he lost over stiffing a guy on an agreed upon prize as willingly making a charitable donation is just so Trump.
I worked for a well known charitable organization. For whatever reason, Trump came to one of our luncheons and didn't give a penny. It never occurred to us that he at least wouldn't make some kind of modest donation. But nope—his presence was supposed to have been enough!
Yeah, those bullshit rounds of golf and room stays are known in the hospitality industry as “soft costs” — easy freebies to give out because they’re not a hit against your bottom line the same way an actual check would be. And yeah, you’re exactly right, with the profit margin on food and beverage and other amenities…
Anybody have any favorite charities? I donate to my women’s college’s scholarship fund, Planned Parenthood of America, and am a monthly contributor to the Clinton campaign (I guess technically not a charity, but whatever), but would like to do a little more charitable giving.
Like we ever would have seen that check. He had to be hounded into giving the check to the veterans (would love someone to confirm whether or not that check actually went through), and then of course the media were the bad guys for making him do it. This shitbag knows no bounds of assholery.
And I’m sure when someone receives a free stay at one of his hotels or a free round of golf they end up spending money on things there like food and drinks—so he stills comes out ahead.
I’m hoping the Post’s next story indeed focuses on his taxes. Because if they were to be released, I have every faith we would discover that he pays zero in taxes. That’s the real reason he won’t release them, because he knows that’s a dealbreaker for the middle-class Americans blindly supporting him. Why this guy…
Is it really evidence of his lack of wealth? Or, more accurately, is it evidence that he’s a cheap son of a bitch who only cares about himself? I’m thinking the latter.
“Donald Trump, one of those piles of sand by a highway an orange turd buried underneath a pile of kitty litter,”