
Even without a learning disability, I can’t get on board with holding an abused and controlled wife accountable for her husband’s actions. If she felt like it was safe and possible to do things he didn’t want her to do, she’d probably have left him years ago. Abuse distorts a person’s thinking... How many women go

Way too many questions come out of this and I think her family should refrain from issuing statements.

If she didn’t know it was wrong, why did she try to stop him?

I don’t believe a harsh form of justice is appropriate in this case. I have ADHD but I’m also not an expert in learning disorders. I’m sure there are many expanded and complex types of disorders I’m of which I’m unaware. I wouldn’t want to see anything more than counselling in her case. Revenge is not justice and she

“Noor is completely innocent and [was] unaware of the attacks,”

I think most reasonable people would feel that her involvement and possible/probable guilt should not be used as some sort of stand-in for the shooter because he’s dead and can’t be tried. Circumstances would call for leniency I’m certain, but she is responsible for her inaction.

I’m being slightly facetious, but I can’t imagine too many scenerios where having a learning disorder interferes with knowing right from wrong.

Counterpoint: there are a wide variety of learning disabilities, some of which would bear on this matter, others of which would not.

My mom and dad had just moved us to the suburbs- quiet little neighborhood. Mom, my younger sister and I are in the backyard when this little pack of yappy dogs comes running in, jumping and barking. Mom squeals, picks up her baby and races to the door. Little stubby legs pumping as fast as they could I made it to the

I can’t give you ten stars, but I would! Happy summer? And please be careful.

lol I live in Alaska.

You have clearly never been on hikes at night in areas with wildlife. You think you’ll just go another half mile. The sun goes down. You get lost, you get scared, and suddenly you realize you’re fucking tracked by a mountain lion. Did you know you can SMELL them? And they yowl. Like a housecat, but more “I WILL

I have no where else to interject this but here, so forgive me. I went out to get a popsicle and something to drink from the gym. There is a bowl of stuff that is supposed to go to the compost heap but no one has taken it yet sitting on the far end of the porch. Something is rooting about in this bowl of stuff. I get

Anyone else get the feeling that this is the year the animals finally turn on us? Like, maybe we shouldn’t have made The Revenant because it gave them ideas.

This woman is so badass.

“I’d love to be in your movie, but you know, I’m just not black enough. Here’s a list of much blacker people you can call.”

She may have been the main/only reason that financing fell into place.

when many dwellers are presumably in Southampton

The man has 30 rooms, six terraces, two dozen closets, two chefs kitchens, two libraries, and two offices in his 22,000-square-foot duplex