
Anytime I see duckface in a Facebook pic, I assume that person is guilty of something.

I guess students developing a crush on a teacher isn’t that uncommon as they are some kind of role model. It gets creepy when the teachers reciprocate it.

As a 13 year old girl I was too busy eyeing and daydreaming about my 27 year old English teacher. For me it was a harmless rock star like crush. While nothing ever happened between us, he did play favorites and teacher’s pet with me a little too obvious.

HEY! What’s wrong with your parents still buying....I mean.....sometimes...maybe.....well, it’s none of your business!

Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Saying that you don’t believe in feminism because men can also be raped is like saying you don’t believe in gravity because when you drop something, it falls down.

And, let’s face it... feminism isn’t trying to do a thing about this.

Don’t know about this case and obviously the rape victim is entitled to anonymity. But in most of these cases of female teachers sexually assaulting male students, the teacher is a white woman and the student is a POC. Because rape culture isn’t just about gender, and we still live in society where POC are described

Feminism IS trying to address this. By combating stereotypes of sex as being something a man does to a woman and feelings as something that only women have. By correcting the assumptions that men’s libidos are unquenchable and women’s are to be conquered, and that men are inherently violent and women naturally

Our perception of male sexuality in 2016 is so fucked. As much as it pisses me off to say this the next wave of feminism needs to change that. Not just for the young men being preyed on and the emotionally underdeveloped men but for us. THIS ENTIRE FAMILY infantilized this woman to the point where a relationship

people have tried setting up a gofundme for her. i know one got shut down, but as of like 10 minutes ago, there was another set up by someone who didn’t even know her and the description was beyond gross and depressing. basically what you can imagine...“if i were that 13 year old, i’d have knocked her up too!”

Except people who think that way are thinking about it with their adult brain, completely forgetting what it’s like to be a child with a child’s brain and on a child’s developmental path.

that sick piece of shit better take off that warriors shirt before she curses them.

I have a 12.5 year old and while I may not be aware of everything going on with him on any given day, I literally don’t even know how this would work. And I’m damn sure nobody normal would attempt it.

She didn’t have sex with a student, she raped a student. Language is important.

I got into a heated argument yesterday about situations like these. I was telling a male acquaintance about an idiot I dated who said if his 15 year old daughter was dating a man in his 30s he’d try to give the guy a chance because he’s “open minded” (that was the last time I saw that dude, obvs). That led male

At that age, his parents are still purchasing his underpants. But they had a “relationship.” Right.

Don’t get me wrong, this woman is disgusting, but what I can’t wrap my head around is the parents accepting their “relationship” which wasn’t a relationship it was sexual abuse.

I made the mistake of reading comments on other outlets. Don’t do what I did.

Even as a thirteen-year old I didn’t want to be with a thirteen-year old guy.

If my memory of thirteen year olds, boys especially, is remotely valid, aside from being deeply disturbing, this is wildly confusing.