
yeah, don’t force other people to participate in your kink

As long as they’re taking their heartworm medication and manage to puke on the hard floors and not the carpet, good for them.

This HAS to be adapted into a David Lynch movie.

“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt. I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”

And we all know if the genders were reversed the judge never would have pulled this bullshit.

Even if she was in contempt, I believe there are proper legal procedures to be followed instead of treating her like a child and making her sit in a corner?

He’s in a room full of lawyers. And sometimes you need to talk over that judge, if only to demand your rights as a potential defendant. Moreover, there is almost always an Administrative Judge who oversees the other judges.

And when the judge won’t let you get past “Your Honor, if....”???

I am 92% positive these are the same person.

As an attorney, the method for bench bullies I was always taught was to say, “You’re Honor, if you’re going to hold me in contempt, I demand that the charges against me be particularized on the record as proscribed in the Judicial Canon, that a hearing be set on notice of no fewer than thirty days as due process

Was the lesson “I don’t know what decorum means”?

I related to more of this than I feel comfortable with, to be honest. These are hard things to admit or say, even to one’s self.

The man who cut my hair while sleeping would suffer a series of very bad days indeed.

All I could think was she needs to jam a tampon covered in yogurt up there stat to help quell the burn then she needs to dip this dude nuts in chili and see how how feels.

A prank is swapping all of your mate’s furniture around when he on holiday or covering his room is army men. It’s not physically or emotionally harming the woman you are supposed to love.

Okay, you sadistic bastard. Some chilies can cause chemical burns. The vagina is a vulnerable body part with a delicately maintained ecosystem. Kindly stick that chili in your eye and think about what you've done.

UGH. Pranks that are either physically or emotionally hurtful are NEVER FUNNY. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

If this had happened to me, it wouldn’t be posted in the comedy section, it would be under crime because I surely would have killed him when I saw him holding out the pepper.

Unless you live or have lived in or around Hollywood, and have actually interacted directly with the industry on a 24 hour basis, it is basically impossible to imagine just how far off in its own little universe that whole scene really is. Like, the real world has spent decades freaking out about Roman Polanski,