
I don’t know, though, if people are “staying away” - that sounds like someone is actively choosing to avoid something. I suspect that a film with a lead of color may never make it across their radar (because the studios didn’t market it broadly), or if these folks we’re hypothesizing about did hear about the movie,

My experience, as a biracial woman who knows a lot of white people, has been the exact opposite. I’v never known a white person to stay away from a movie, tv show, etc because a character was a person of color - I’ve known quite a few who stayed away because a character of color was played by a white person or because

Honestly, I think that if they wanted to go with Scarlett Johansson, they might as well set the movie in the United States instead of Japan. It would make a lot more sense IMO.

Yellowface is yellowface even if it’s CGI.

many people change their mind partway through an attempt. its a cry for help nonetheless.

Almost twenty years ago, there was a rash of suicides and suicide attempts among the teenagers on my reservation. It was a scary time because it seemed suicide was almost like a virus going from child to child.

Yes, but as long as the person she always is is Lorelei Gilmore, which is now I choose to look at it...

The worst people in town were Taylor and Kirk. I cannot accept any opinions that don’t start with this. :)

Okay. April does not deserve the amount of hate she gets. Her mother was WAY worse.

I HATED April’s mother. I felt the drama she started was so unnecessary. And April seemed like someone they brought in to one-up Rory. Like look at this little pre-teen, she’s smarter than Rory is. Excuse me, no! Rory read all of her summer reading books plus the ones they recommended but didn’t require, in an episode

I hatred how Anna acted like April was some 3 year old who would have attachment issues if Lorelai and Luke weren’t married. The kid was 13, cut the cord.

I like this. Alternative: Stars Hollow is in a low lying area and filled with some kind of gas that makes everyone crazy? Like Jess. He’s a total pos while in Stars Hollow, manages to put his life together pretty much the instant he runs away to CA and Philly, then the minute sees Stars Hollow people again he’s back

Or when she was on bed rest and having her staff bring her Luke’s food while he filled in for her and then calling to critique?

I hope that all of the new episodes are in the style of “A Film By Kirk.”


Yay! Now, one of the coolest things I’ve done as a mom is watch GG with my kiddo over the past year. We just last night got to April’s appearance, and I remembered, vividly, and sighed, oh, here we go, well it was good while it lasted. At least its been a good bonding thing.

I am unabashedly, unreservedly excited about this revival.


Scarlett’s is much more put together and I prefer it as well, but she is also much more mature and experienced than Jennifer. I guess I just get a little mad when people say Jlaw was just a poor little rich girl whining about not making millions because that wasn’t what her open letter was about at all. It was about

It’s hard for me to speak about my experience as a working woman because I can safely say my problems aren’t exactly relatable. When the Sony hack happened and I found out how much less I was being paid than the lucky people with dicks, I didn’t get mad at Sony. I got mad at myself. I failed as a negotiator because I