You got banned for that?
you’re not the only one this kind of thing has happened to for expressing a contrary opinion, and she isn’t the only writer who does it.
I am downright TERRIFIED of Frank the Bunny. I have actually had nightmares about him (and I saw the film as a grown-up!) Because of this, I have never watched Donnie Darko a second time. And I have actually chosen not to go to events when I was warned someone would be dressing up as Frank.
At the risk of being banned, I ungreyed your post. Truth in the media and all that.
I loved those photos. Sasha Obama makes the absolute best faces. I think I’ll miss her the most.
What is it that you don’t get? The post that got me banned, or the fact that Kara Brown banned me? If it’s the former, here’s what I meant. Brown wrote an article about how both Taylor Swift and Kanye West are annoying. She wrote it right after West went nuts on Twitter with pro-Bill Cosby positions and other crap.…
Brad Renfro.
It looks like she had part of her lids removed. They were super droopy and a condition which begins to effect your ability to see. In her case, I’d say it might have been a medical intervention (though I wish we’d generally leave people alone anyway. )
I was just thinking that expression makes her look like she has her daddy’s wit. She is ADORBS.
It’s weird because she did her eyes, but then it seems like she STOPPED the botox and fillers. She even made a comment about being kinder to her body or something along those lines.
People sometimes do it for medical reasons - the eyelids tend to get heavier as you age. (Which can interfere with sight.)
She remins me of Raven Symone as a baby, that kid always gave great “Pffft” face
I can't get over the facial expression!
“I like to have – I guess you would call them real experiences.”
Was just reading yesterday’s piece about this. My first thought was, “She’s dead.” Really wish I’d been wrong. Fourteen years old, the whole world and life ahead of her, apparently happy, beautiful... and surely innocent of whatever motive there may have been.
That hollow feeling when you first read she’s missing, cynically assume that she’s probably already dead, and find out that you’re right.
I think I’ve watched too much true crime crap in my lifetime because my first thought when I heard about this was “Poor little baby, my god, those monsters” and my second thought was “It’s quite convenient that the mother is out of the country...OH GOD NOW YOU’RE THE MONSTER, MOOSEYDEERS.”
Fucking awful. I’m guessing narcos. Not necessarily because the father was involved, it could be that he was at the wrong place at the wrong time and witnessed something, or that he refused to collaborate with them. I just hope her death was quick and painless but knowing how these animals treat women, I wouldn’t be…
Everybody mentioned in this article, even in passing, is a loathsome human being.