
Obi Wan and R2D2 did and they were right there.

We went to church ALL THE TIME growing up, and the problem with reading kids the Bible is that they absorb it all, but don’t know what it means.

Well that’s moot isn’t it, given that she did live it and is still asking. So I gave a suggestion, rather than a statement of the obvious.

If you have to set up a nanny cam to catch your fiancé having sex with his sister it might be time to peace out. Just saying.

BUT WEDDING. DRESSES. CAKE. HONEYMOON. Just try and ignore the incest on the side.

It’s not really the sharing the bed with the sibling on occasion that’s the problem it’s the kicking the SO out of the bed to do so.

Yeah, if this is true, it screams of sexual abuse, either by their parents or by the brother.

yeah somebody on Reddit said it’s basically just so he and the sister can have a wedding without it being totally illegal. This is the closest they will ever get and this girl is just a doormat in the way of their happiness.

I can’t imagine how anyone would put up with that shit for a week much less 4 months. This cannot possibly be a real story unless the poster has the lowest self esteem of anyone ever.

Lol good point! Maybe the fact that you're going on the Internet to ask hundreds of strangers if they think your husband is fucking his sister is enough of a reason to leave.

Leia didn’t know Luke was her brother, Cersei & Jaime know they are siblings and actually had two kids and a Geoffrey!

I mean, yes, right? If you come to the point where you’re asking seriously if there’s incest, there’s definitely incest.

That was my first thought. If that’s not the case, I’d at least wonder if the parents are addicts, abusers, or just incompetent and the whole family is a mess.

And she KEPT planning the wedding?

That is a whole lot of red flags for someone not to go run screaming into the night. And maybe the other sister is so screwed up (and this one is depressed) because the brother — who appears to be the older sibling — abused his sisters growing up.

Perfectly normal. Adult siblings usually share beds and throw out their partner out of said bed to make room for sibling.

Suddenly I feel much better about my relationship with my sister in law. She’s a pain in the ass, but I know she’s not screwing her brother. I would have peace out before I got kicked to the couch.

Best fresh horror from the original poster’s later comments: HE WANTED THE SISTER TO GO ON THEIR HONEYMOON. AND SHARE THEIR ROOM.