
Or is a Nice Guy (TM).

except rabid is used to describe sports fans, political support and many other non-gendered things that are not feminism. A whistle is just as easily shrill and unpleasant as a woman’s voice and the same with grating.

My Spanish teacher cackled for about 5 minutes straight over that last spring.

All those examples are perfectly normal usage of the words. But in taken together, they indicate that Oxford is not concerned in any way with presenting language in a way that isn’t sexist and containing negative stereotypes toward half its users. There’s no such thing as perfect neutrality, but/and the choices they

Also, those words are not solely or even most commonly defined that way. A telephone is shrill. An alarm clock. Intentionally choosing gendered shit to express a non-gendered adjective is irresponsible. Let people learn their bias from their shitty parents, as is tradition.

It’s the dictionary’s job to literally define words. If you don’t know what rabid means and you go to look it up, you will now and forever associate it with feminist. Like if your daughter asks you, “what’s a prick, mummy?” and you say, “well, your father is one”. While that may or may not be accurate, teaching

Hey, look on the bright side, the Spanish word for “handcuffs” is “esposas”

“Flippant?” I’m sure there are more apt descriptions of those tweets, but I think I’ll be sourcing them from Merriam-Webster, assholes.

If I hear “rabid” as applied to ‘fan’ or ‘feminist,’ I think committed, die-hard, etc. However, all of the example sentences for shrill/nagging/grating sound like they were taken from an MRA writing seminar.

“shrill” – defined as “the rising shrill of women’s voices”– and “psyche” – for which the example sentence is, “I will never really fathom the female psyche”. “Grating”, defined as “sounding harsh and unpleasant”, was illustrated with the phrase “her high, grating voice”, while the adjective “nagging” used the

If you go here they are listed. My favorite is Clever Title of the Year.
Winners include:

Many dozens. It looks like they have awards for series, releases, performers, and individual scenes. Though from that number of nominations, Deen was probably nominated in most categories he qualified or.

And this happened.

Well well well. Shocker.

Bitch can take SEVERAL seats. “Racist to whites” isn’t a thing, because racism is prejudice PLUS institutional power, and white people are the ones with institutional power. It’s 2016, and there’s frankly no excuse for such self-indulgent ignorance. She can come back once she reads a damned book: preferably, Ta-Nehisi

Is this one of those situations where a woman can just decide not to get pregnant, like she can decide not to get raped?

Fun fact: Abortion is 100% illegal in El Salvador. Not even for the health of the mother or the baby or in the case of rape and incest.

I highly, highly doubt it.

Well, maybe they’ll at least help women get improved access to birth control?

Why is it so hard for people to say “I fucked up royally. I’m so angry and disappointed in myself. I hope she can forgive me some day, but I committed this disgusting act against her, for which there is no excuse, and deserve whatever is coming my way. I’m truly sorry to everyone who I’ve let down.” ???